Desktop Calendar Case with Art Punch

Here the calendar that we did at class last weekend. We added some punch are decor to each month. FYI if you choose to make some I will suggest to glue direct on the page do not use dimensional so all will fit in the case. You can order the calendar with case ...

Vintage Chritmas with Holiday Frame and Surprise Box

Hello Stampers Friends  I survived all my class this past month without a craft room in order 🙂 Last night was my last class of the year. Many time I thought I would have to cancel but I manage to found what I needed. So now that I don't have class till January I ...

Circle Punch for Christmas Tree video

Hello Friends    Here a quick last miniute Christmas card that you can make in no time. The circle punch that I use is the 2-1/2 and for the smaller one is the 1-3/8. The DSP is the Incolor pack#122384. The greeting is from the stam[p set Perfect Punches on page ...

Clockworks and Frenchie room update

  Good day my Friends     Wow the weekend is over and my to do didn't really shrink but increase how can this happen? I did a lot but added a lot to the list. To be honest I just can NOT wait to have everything in place in my room so I can create again. I been ...

Nugget Santa Belly

 Good Day you all   Today share is what we made at the last team meeting. A simple Nugget holder "Santa Belly" Using a strip of Real Red 5 by 1-3/4 (score at 2 and 3) and a strip of 3/4 of white that you can emboss for extra texture. Using the 3/8 taffeta ribbon ...

Stampin’ Gift Ideas made by Frenchie Team’s

  Hello You all    Well today you will see many beautiful hand made gift made by some of my team member. I hostess a Breakfast last Saturday and some participated in a exchange. I wish all of my team could attend but miles apart make it difficult plus at this time ...

ADD ON In Clearamnce Rack

Quick Up date before I'm off to work Stampin'Up! added lots and lots on the Clearance Rack. WONZA only while supplies last check it out lots of great deal. CLICK HERE to view and Shop.Have a Great Friday! function run_pinmarklet1() { var ...

Faux Paint Swatch Video

 Hello Friday!   Oh! Sweet Friday so glade you're here. I need a few days home to place my craft room 🙂 It's getting there only to seal the counter top, the handle on drawers and door. So this weekend in between class and visiting with Nika Yes she made it home ...

Join Frenchie Team and get 10 ink pad FREE

Just a quick reminder that only 3 days left for the deal of 10 ink pad FREE. Plus a little card that I send to my new team member to welcome them. I love my team and would love to have YOU on it. Please feel free to contact me if you have any question. Now off to ...

Joyous Celebrations 12-12-12 bonus

Hello Friends   Quick share today but before let's have a bonus for this 12-12-12 for all order of 36.00 before tax and shipping or more on web order I will send YOU a FREE spool of ribbon in the incolor. By the way why 36 well 12 times 3 is 36.00 🙂 To place your ...

Stationary Note pad box Video

 Hello Yes I'm on the run so quick post. Today share is the video on how to make the note stationary note pad holder. This is so cut in real life and very functional.  What you will need is a piece of card stock 8-1/2 by 9-1/2. Score on the 9-1/2 at 1, 6-1/2 and ...

Masculine Monday with The open Sea

 Hello Monday   Well it's time to go to work so I can have a break HA Wow my room is worst now then ever. I had to empty everything that was on the floor in the closet to put the new thing (kind of dresser) so lots in box again but I will get it done soon. Soon I ...


France Martin AKA Frenchie at It's me Frenchie with a little accent. I love to share paper crafting. Want to know more about me. Click here to found out. Thank you for your visit.


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The content in this blog is the sole responsibility of France Martin as an Independent Stampin’ Up!® Demonstrator.  The use of and content of classes, services or products offered is not endorsed by Stampin’ Up!®

Unless otherwise indicated, images © Stampin’ Up! 1995 – present.

I am an affiliate with Stamp-n-Storage which means I may get commissions if you click on links I provide and decide to purchase from this company. I love their products for organizing my stamping products and I bet you will also.” To view and order online click on the image above.