Hello Stamps
   Today share is a fun Diagonal Twist Card. It’s been around for a while but I change the messurment on it. My ladies at the challenge class 2 weeks ago didn’t like the way they had to fuss to place it in the envelop so I change the measurement and now it fit super easy in a A-2 envelop. The DSP on the top one is Fan Fair #126918 and it’s only available till Friday plus it reduce to 8.21 🙂 so 25%off on this DSP. I will add more card that I posted this past month with this paper. I sure love this paper.
The measurement that I use for this Diagonal Twisted card is:

  • ‘The base 4-1/4 by 10-1/2 in vanilla
  • DSP one piece of 2 by 5-1/4 cut diagonal
  • DSP 4 by 4-1/4 need to mark at 2″ need to see the video 🙂 
  • Stamp sets: Everything Eleanor page 112 and Petite Pair page 134

I’m really the worst one to explain how to make a card in words so the best thing is to watch the video 🙂 remember you can pause, rewind and fast forward. Video can be view on my blog at www.frenchiestamps.com. All info for the mystery host at the bottom and today is the last day for this one I will announce the winner tomorrow, so far the winner will get 145.00 of stampin’Up! of her/his choice. Good luck to all who participate and THANK YOU for your support.
Have a great day! ONLY 10 days of school ….who’s counting with me?

 Same fold just different DSP

Here more of the Fan Fair DSP 
 Today is the last day to get enter in the Mystery Host I will announce the Winner tomorrow 🙂 
Mystery Host UP to 145.00 🙂

 The big question where do you enter the code when you are on the page of your shopping bag on the left bottom side you will see at the bottom where it say “Special Offer” the box that say “Do you have a hostess code”  Look like this
Do you have a hostess code? Enter it here and click Apply: (?)

 that is where you will enter C7SMF9ZP  in that box
let me know if you have any question and good luck to everyone that will participate. Any question please contact me.  To start SHOPPING click HERE

PS If your order is over 150.00 DO NOT enter the hostess code so you will get your hostess reward all for yourself! and still get a thank you cards plus all order of 30.00 and more get point for frequent buyer with Frenchie INFO BY CLICKING HERE.

This Mystery Host number C7SMF9ZP  is valid till May 28 and the winner will be announce May 29th as of last night the winner will get 145.00 and still counting 🙂 another great Mystery Host.   

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw2NTAtyr6c]

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