Good day my Friends
Wow this week and month is almost gone and that extra 30.00 in the started kit end TODAY at 11:50 mountain time. That is a super great deal pay 99.00 and you choose up to 155.00 of your choice of Stampin’Up! product All detail at the bottom.
Now today card is the Swallowtail on Vellum Card Stock and I have a video on how to color on the vellum easy and YES super easy CLICK HERE to view the video. I emboss this one with gold powder and color with So Saffron and Calypso Coral. Well my friend this is it for today and remember today is the last chance for the retired list plus the great deal on the 99.00 Always feel free to contact me if any question
Tomorrow is video day 🙂 plus the kick off of the new catalog at noon 🙂 Have a great day!

Free Shipping and 155.00 of Stampin’Up! product for only 99.00 Detail
Yes Stampin’Up! is giving more supplies in the starter kit. I added all the detail on how you can get more for your buck! In short it’s no string attach…. read and let me know if you have any question.
TOday is the last day for the extra 30.00 if you Join Stampin’Up!/My team you choose product of your choice up to 155.00 on only pay 99.00 plus tax and you get free shipping.
· Were you a demonstator and want to re-join Stamping Up
Please e-mail me or call if you have any question. It would be my pleasure to answer your question and work with YOU. If you are ready to join just CLICK HERE then on the left side click on the Join NOW. I would love to
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