Hello Stampin’Up! Friends
    Today in the Video you will learn how to make a perfect sponge tear but i very good tip in the video how to cover both side to match the tear. The video can be view on my blog www.frenchiestamps.com Plus I posted the new color renovation that Stampin’Up! announce yesterday so time to stock up on ink refile, card stock ……before thy all gone and great great new it’s FREE shipping on all order starting tomorrow so perfect time to stock up on all supplies. So get your wish list started  and tomorrow you can take adventage of the free shipping. The Free Shipping start tomorrow April 6th and goes till Monday plus I have a Mystery Host going on all info at the bottom.
Now about all the cards for today here what I use 

  • Swallowtail stamp set page 18 in the spring catalog wood #129213, clear #129216 all stamp with Early Espresso
  • Curly Cute page 138 wood #117014, Clear #120510
  • some of the card that have the small butter fly that is Papillon Potpourri page 115 wood #123757, clear 123759
  • The one with the swirl that is Flowering Flourishes page 121 wood #126365, clear #126367
  • all using Glossy Paper 102599
  • top color Calypso Coral, Baja Breeze, So saffron that is for card stock and Classic Ink

 color So Saffron, Tempting Turquoise, Melon Mambo

 Early Espresso , Regale Rose and so Saffron

So Saffron, Calypso Coral and Early Espresso
Please e-mail me if you have any question about the color change, free shipping, Mystery Host at frenchiestamps@hotmail.com

Here the update of yesterday after I posted but want to make sure you got this big news

Stampin’ Up! just announce  that some change in color here all the new color and the color that will be retired with the new color at the end of May. Note that many in the new color are some returning from the pass in-color,
Discontinued: Regal Rose, Pretty in Pink, Bashful Blue, Certainly Celery, Baja Breeze, Riding Hood Red, Bravo Burgundy, Not Quite Navy, More Mustard and River Rock.
New: Old In Colors are Bermuda Bay, Calypso Coral, Wisteria Wonder, Pear Pizzazz, Soft Sky, Pool Party, Blushing Bride, Crushed Curry, Island Indigo and new….Smoky Slate.
FREE SHIPPING Start tomorrow Saturday April 6th
Plus a big announcement FREE SHIPPING this weekend on all orders. Get your wish list going all order place from Saturday April 6 to Monday April 8 will have FREE SHIPPING plus with order of 40.00 or more I will send you a FREE catalog in mail first week of May, want it delivery fast to your door place an order of 70.00 or more and I will send it priority to you. This FREE shipping start Sat. April 6 to Monday April 8th  Plus I will have a mystery host the # 4X49BABM the winner will be announce Tuesday
The Mystery Host will get a minimum of 25.00 of free product of her choice but to get enter in the drawing make sure you enter the code.
  The big question where do you enter the code when you are on the page of your shopping bag on the left side you will see at the bottom where it say “Special Offer” the box that say “Do you have a hostess code”  Look like this Do you have a hostess code? Enter it here and click Apply:

 that is where you will enter 4X49BABM  in that box To start SHOPPING click HERE

PS If your order is over 150.00 DO NOT enter the hostess code so you will get your hostess reward all for yourself!
Again Thank you for your support and always feel free to contact me with any question

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuBvbc5CLL8]

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