How to join Stampin'Up! and receive $78 of free product.

It’s always a great time to join my team Inking with Frenchie Stamps/Stampin’Up! but this month there are more products in the starter kit.
Let me tell you how to join Stampin’Up! and receive $78 of free product

This month it is $30 extra of products of your choice in the starter kit. Don’t wait too much longer to join, the month is almost over. Only one week left for the extra products. 

First I want to make sure you understand it’s not a gimmick or any string attached. The choice is yours.  

Video on how to join Stampin’Up!/ Inking With Frenchie Stamps Team 

In this video, I give all the detail of why it is such a great deal to join my team/Stampin’Up!


How to get $177 for only $99 plus free shipping 

  • $125.00 $155.00 in merchandise of your choice. (this is $30 more than usual) 
  • No shipping charges, it will ship to you for free another 10% saving
  • A past paper pumpkin will be included Value at $22
  • Grand total of $177 of Stampin’Up! products

There is no string attached after getting the starter kit. 

That is correct it is no string attached. 
If you choose to stay active and get a discount of 20% – 25% on all your Stamping’Up! purchase, $300 is all it takes to stay active on a calendar quarter. That $300 is before the 20%-25% discount. 
*if you sign up in May 2021 this quarter does not count.  Your first quarter does not end until September 30th, 2021.

  Do I have to host workshops or sell the product?

  • No, you do not have to host workshops or sell 

What is my discount/instant income?

  • Always 20% – 25% (discount/instant income ) Up to 13% volume Rebate that is extra from the instant discount. 

 New products

  • Be the first to try new products in the new catalogs. The holiday catalog starts in July for demo and for customers in August
  •  You can pre-order from the new catalogs, occasion, Holiday catalog one month in advance

Stamping rewards Benefits

  •   If your order qualifies for Stamping rewards benefits, you will receive them in addition to your 20% – 25% instant discount/income. See page 179-171 for Stampin’ Rewards. (no need to host to receive Stampin’ Rewards. All orders of $150 and above before tax and shipping qualify for Stampin’ Rewards) 

Business or Hobby?

  • That decision is entirely up to you.
    No matter your decision you get a minimum 20-25%  discount on all your purchase. 
  • A great way to make an additional income is sharing with others your love of paper crafting. 

What if I do not meet the quarterly minimum?

  •  You will be dropped as a demonstrator and you become my customer again.
  •  The merchandise is yours to keep!
  • As mention above it is no string attached. 

Were you a demonstrator and want to re-join Stamping Up?

  • If you were a demonstrator under me and dropped you may rejoin my team immediately.
  • If you were a demonstrator under another team leader and want to join my team you will need to wait 90 days after your dropped date.
    So if you became inactive last February you can join NOW. If the team Leader is inactive you do not need to wait the 90 days period.

Why Joining Frenchie’ Team

  • Monthly meetings all take place online, if you can’t attend, the minutes are emailed to you. Monthly meeting FREE
  • Monthly challenge: I will provide you with an item from the catalog to make a card
  • Catalog swap: you make 13 cards and get 12 cards in return
  • Business Builder training
  • Monthly download for your personal use or to use in your business. 
  • Paper Pumpkin download with extra ideas to use the stamp set in the paper pumpkin each month. 
  • Access to a Facebook inclusive group for Inking with Frenchie. Lots are shared between teammates, you can join to just view or to participate. 
  • I have been a demonstrator for over 19 years so be assured when you join I will be there for you.
    Team building and customer service are the main focus of my business. 
  • I am here for you…phone calls are returned within 24 hours and e-mail 

Please always feel free to contact me with any question or concern I’m here for you and would love to have part of Inking with Frenchie’s Stamps Team!!! 


Where it asks if you have a code click no, The only exception if you did host a workshop and want to apply the hostess rewards (stamping rewards) then I will have a code for you. So, in short, that is for the one that hosted a workshop and wants to apply their hostess rewards to join. 

Big Deal to Join Stampin Up, Frenchie Team


Customer Appreciation

Labels to organize your Stampin'Up! products from the 2021-2022 annual catalog


All orders of $20.00 or more before tax and shipping placed on my online store with Hostess Code 6CCDQAAQ will qualify for this month’s download.

These labels are a great addition to your Stampin’Up! product to stay organized.

Frenchie’s Design Team created the labels download. All teammates receive the download for customer appreciation each month at no extra cost!

All qualified orders will receive the download by e-mail in less than 48 hours, from the time the qualified order is place.

CLICK HERE to shop with me.

If your order is over $150 DO NOT enter the hostess code. You will get all the stamping rewards and I will send you the PDF by e-mail. 


Till next time Happy Stamping!

Frenchie Stamps Signature Shop Graphic

Meanwhile, the greatest compliment you can give me is a referral to a friend. Thanks in advance!