Wow Fold live class with Frenchie Stamps. All product by Stampin'Up! available at

Hello Friends,
All about Wow Fold cards for live class tonight. The class will be live on You Tube. Holly and I will be there and sure hop you can join us. I promise this will be a amazing class. 

What time is class 

Here is the time zone that I will be live at 

  • Hawaii 3:30 Pm
  • Alaska 4:30 Pm
  • Pacific 5:30 pm
  • Mountain 6:30 pm
  • Central 7:30 pm
  • Eastern 8:30 pm

How to join us

To join use just click on the video below or click here. If you want a reminder when it start, just subscribe to my channel then click on the little bell for notification. 

How to subscribe to Frenchie You Tube Channel and get notification.

Sneak Peek 

Wow Fold twisted fold. Live class with Frencihestamps. All products by Stampin'Up! avaialbel at

Twisted fold with a twist to fit in a A-2 envelope. 

wow Fold,3 side card. Dasing Deer. Live class with Frenchie Stamps. All product by Stampin'Up! available at

The 3 side card with the dashing deer that is really dashing. This is such a fun card with many different technique and interactive.  

wow Fold, tab accordion fold. Large Letters. Live class with Frenchie Stamps. All product by Stampin'Up! available at

Accordion fold with the tab. Birthday and Christmas. 

Book Fold Card with floating leave or ornament. Live class with frenchiestamps. Seasonal Layers, Beautiful Baubles. All products by Stapin'Up! available at

Book fold with floating object.

I have so many fun card and lots of tips to share with you tonight. Hope you can join use live. 

I will share 4 different fold and each fold I will have 2 different occasion. 

How to qualified for the download instruction PDF 

Would you like to have the instruction in writing? My PDF include all instruction. measurement, supplies list and individual pictures of each projects.
All order of $40 or more before tax and and shipping on my Online store with hostess code SV39ZNJV will receive the PDF by email in less then 24 hours of time you place your qualified order. This offer end October 28 29. 2018. 

Join us live on You Tube


Customer Appreciation  
Free PDF with qualified order. Frenchie' Customer appreciation. Frenchie's Team Design.Free PDF with qualified order. Frenchie' Customer appreciation. Passport Pals. All order of $50.00 or more before tax and shipping place on my online store with Hostess Code 3ESA9CAU will qualified for this month projects download. 
The PDF’s are design by Frenchie’s Team and the Passport Pals.
If your order is between $40 to $49 and you enter the hostess code you will received only one PDF, the one design by Frenchie’s Team.  

This month PDF include 10 cards, double layout scrapbook page and 2 treat pouch. PDF include all measurement, instruction, supplies list, individual pictures. 
All qualified order will receive the download by e-mail. CLICK HERE to shop with me.

If your order is over $150 DO NOT enter the hostess code and you will get all the stamping rewards and I will send you both PDF. 

Passport Pals team.

If in Canada CLICK HERE to Shop with Tina or HERE to visit her blog.
In the USA CLICK HERE to shop with me. 

Have a lovely day!

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