Hello Friends
Need a storage for your Stampin’ Spots?
Now that we offer them in the occasion catalog on page 5, 29 these already have color ink and the uninked one in the big catalog on page 201 so you can ink them with re inker at my live event a few weeks ago I share that the wide stamping case was perfect for the storage well so many was in ahhhh so I decided to make a insert so you can keep your color in place and have them mark on the chart. I have the print out for the chart insert HERE and in the video I explain how to make the divider and all.
Also many are subscribe to paper pumpkin and each month you get a spot or more so this is perfect storage for them.
I have a video for you that you can find at the bottom of my blog post today on my blog HERE. ***If you are getting my post by e mail some server will NOT include the video so make sure to visit my blog to get all detail or you can always find my video on my You Tube Channel.
***If you buy the un-ink one don’t forget to get the re iniker if you don’t have it on hand. You can buy them individual for each color or to save money you can buy them per family.
Any question please contact me

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYzPzYAVH00?rel=0]
Happy organizing!

All order of $30.00 or more before tax and shipping place on my online store with Hostess Code XTKUPAUV will qualified for Frenchie’ Design team PDF
This month PDF include 5 cards plus a box. PDF include all measurement, instruction, supplies list.
If order is over $50 before tax and shipping you will receive 2 PDF’s
Frenchie’s Team Design plus the Passport Pals that include instruction for 6 cards. Total of 11 cards and one box.
All qualified order will receive the download by e-mail. CLICK HERE to shop with me.
If your order is over $150 DO NOT enter the hostess code and you will get all the stamping rewards and I will send you both PDF.
Sale a Bration Jan 3rd to March 31st Get a FREE product for every $50 order before tax and shipping choose from sale a bration catalog HERE
If in Canada CLICK HERE to Shop with Tina or HERE to visit her blog.
Frenchie this is truly brilliant, and I am so glad you posted the video on making the dividers – seeing it done shows how easy it really is to do! Thanks for sharing your pattern and idea! 🙂
You can choose to keep this container storage unit on your property or you can have it picked up by the company once you have stored your belongings.business removals
France, Un gros Merci! I have now put all my ink spots into the large wood cases. I still have all my ink spots from about 10-12 years ago from when I first started stamping. I purchased them instead of the large ink pads as I was not 100% sure how long I would actually enjoy this thing called “Card Making”! I am now an SU Demo in Canada.