Hello Friends
Yes another beautiful you card but this time it is to showcase the Lace Doilies. I love these Doilies one side are white and one side are vanilla well of course that is not enough colors HA! I’am so picky they me white I want vanilla they me vanilla I want colors well in the video I will show you have simple it is to add any color to these doilies. These doilies are strong and easy for add color quickly. I have a video for you that you can find at the bottom of my blog post today on my blog HERE. ***If you are getting my post by e mail some server will NOT include the video so make sure to visit my blog to get all detail or you can always find my video on my You Tube Channel. Plus many more tips in this video like the little corner round. For the beautiful you outline with bleach if you miss that video CLICK HERE.

-So Saffron 8½ x 5½ fold in half card base
-Basic Black 5 x 5½ and 2 1″ circle
-Dapper Denim 3½ x 4
*Doiles color with Dapper Denim

Here another one this time I color the Doilies with Mint Macaron and the Beautiful You is color with bleach. To view the video on how to color with bleach CLICK HERE.
-Mint Macaron 8½ x 5½ card base
-Basic Black 5 x 3¾ and 3¾ x ½
-Island Indigo 4¾ x 3½
Well my friends now you have way to get all the color doilies that you wish for just need the color ink.
That all she wrote for now till next time Happy Stamping’
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_djszzgno0?rel=0?ecver=1]

Thank YOU
Frenchie …You are amazing !! Love your videos …
Love going back to see the old creations so love your style thank you