Hello Stampers 
   Deja Vue! Oh! yes this was one of the most popular gift card holder back in 2011 and when I was putting my Christmas decoration up for some reason this was in one of the decoration box. I’m sure the nugget inside are not eatable but sill so cute. So I search my blog to see how to make them and found the blog post with the video and instruction HERE so you can make them again but most of the stamp/product are discontinued or maybe you still have some of these product. So here my suggestion if yu don’t have these product replace them with….. 
-Snow flack replace with the new Flurry of Wishes bundle page 25 or even the lovely Festive Flower builder punch would look great in glimmer paper 
-for the embossing folder that I can not even remember the name of it to save my life I would use the Softly Fallen 
-The glimmer brads replace with the Iced Rhinestone page 24
So I bet you have plenty of ides to re make this one and  I’m sure the one getting this gift would appreciated it even if the gift card is a balance of zero they would love the chocolate. Talking about chocolate I bought a bag last week to make some cute little snowman and when I saw this I got the supplies out to make it well come to find out that the nuggets are gone and I can NOT blame my kids on this one cause they are NOT here. Yes I’m the guilty one of this one plus I’m still craving chocolate. 

This one with the Snow Place bundle on page 33 would work perfect and then pop up that Snowman it would be so cute. 

Well my friends noting really new for today but to bring back the old to new 🙂 
Have a great day and I will be back tomorrow with a video. 
Have a great day! 
December customer Appreciation Free PDF With all order of $30.00 before tax and shipping and the Hostess Code XCEEVH4D  you will get the PDF instruction send by e mail to make 4 season frame with and without calendar plus 5 exclusive video. If your order is 150.00 or above DO NOT enter the code so you get the rewards and I will send you the PDF. To shop CLICK HERE
**So many request for the PDF for people outside the USA that I decided to offer the PDF for a fee of $9.95. Still FREE with qualified order but if you are outside the USA and shopping is not a option with me I will offer the PDF how can you get them you will need to E mail me at frenchiestamps@hotmail.com and tell the name of the PDF and then I will send you a paypal invoice. Any PDF are $9.95. 

Just a little sneak peek of the next project DIY 3-D frame for the next Live Stamping. Save the date Dec 8th 

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This will live from my You tube Channel so it is the big screen and will have the link on my blog the day of the live event. All are welcome!