Hello Friends 
  What a title right….well the reason behind the title is because I did this card and video for a presentation for my friend Cindy in Hawaii. (i can’t believe I don’t have a picture of my and Cindy I have many goofy one but none of of just her or me and her but I will share a goofy one) She did a big event and ask me to present well with the move it was impossible for me to attend so we this it all by media 🙂 we have to love the internet these days even miles apart we can be present 🙂 So in the video on my blog or my You Tube Channel you will see many technique on this card. The sparkle flicker, how to get different size with the festival of trees and Happy scenes, sponging the snow well in this case is sand 🙂 I love this card it’s very different for a Christmas card but I wanted something that represent Hawaii so I thought sand instead of snow and to be honest this would be a great card for m Friends in Cheyenne so many Christmas that I was there that it is brown all around no snow. The sparkle is so pretty on this card you will see it all from the beginning to the end in the video. I listed all supplies at the bottom. 
FYI tomorrow I will update on the move but lets just say that it is coming along all the furniture in that craft room are all put together 🙂 so yes it is coming along stay tune for update and picture tomorrow 

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ousKDuevEfI]

This picture was at Founder last Sept. Cindy is the top flower and I’m the bottom one. Yes goofing around.

October customer Appreciation Free PDF With all order of $25.0 before tax and shipping and the Hostess Code MCTBHS6G you will get the PDF instruction send by e mail to make all the card in the picture. If your order is 150 or above DO NOT enter the code so you get the rewards and I still send you the PDF. To shop CLICK HERE

Have a great weekend Y’all!