Hello stampers 
  Well today is back to normal just one catalog to shop from,  yesterday was crazy a little with all 3 catalog. If you are a customer of mine and didn’t get your catalog yet please let me know so I can make sure you get one ship to you and if you are new to Stampin’Up! and don’t have a demonstrator and you would like to have a catalog for the coast of 5.50 shipping let me know and I can send you a paypal invoice and send you a brand NEW catalog.
Okay know about today card for Stamp on the Go well this is for sure Stamp on the Go less then 3 minute for the video that you can view on my blog or my You tube Chanel. I only use one stamp set for this card “You’ve Got This” love this stamp set so much that latter this month I will have a class in the mail with this set and 2 new color for the ink quick and easy this set is perfect for quick card but you bet we can get more detail but again simple is my thing. 
Well my friends this is for now but make sure to scrol dow to see how you can get over 200.00 of Stampin’Up! product for just 99.00 great deal best one for sure. 
FYI save the date June 6th this Saturday I will be live to share the new catalog and great tip on new product. 
Till next time happy stamping

Some I did on note card and some on A-2 size

video at www.frenciestamps.com

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_k3BI1e7fc?rel=0]

Did you know that you can get over $200.00 of Stampin’Up! product for 99.00 this is more then 50% discount. Yes this is correct if you join my team you get to choose product for 125.00 of your choice plus 2 stamp set of your choice from the new catalog and it will ship to you for free Join my team or more info CLICK HERE

June Free PDF Project  instruction with a $25.00 or more on online order on my site HERE when you enter the hostess code FGXADWTR( not valid with purchase of Class in the mail)  if your order is over 150.00 DO NOT enter the code and I will still send you the PDF this way you will get the rewards. *this month  pdf tote/Bag for full size “A-2 Cards). The PDF is send via e mail. *if you join my team this month I will send you the PDF 🙂 

Thank YOU all for your support