Hello Stamper
Today stampin’101 is all about adhesive and the NEW Fast Fuse. Just a little about the Fast Fuse if you look at the yardage in the refiles it is a tiny bit cheaper then the snail and let me tell you it glue LOTS better and stronger. First it is a little tricky to use but watch the video for some great tips not only on the fast fuse but on all glue/adhesive that Stampin’Up! sell. Like always video on my blog at www.frenchiesgtamps.com
For the card today if you look at the closeup flower the wet shiny look is the Crystal Effects that I talk about in the video. The Crystal Effect is the best house glue you can have on hand it glue glass, metal so much use with this product. the Flower is the new stamp Blended Bloom that is perfect for the Blendabilitie *not available yet (only available if you join my team) but should be early fall late summer but don’t let this set fool you to be use with only Blendabilite I will have a video Friday on how to use this pretty flower and color with sponge dauber. It look like many layers but I didn’t cut extra layers just cut out the flower and Voila! The lovely Champagne Glimmer paper is part of the deal of the week this week for only 3.71 love all the glimmer paper. The top I stamp with Postage Due in Bermuda Bay.
For a quick view of all the Adhesive, ordering and detail CLICK HERE.

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[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPaaYTBMQZM]
This was so practical, especially the tip on ungluing a project. I've ruined many a project by brute-force ripping. The last two items are intriguing…I'm thinking of ways to use them.
Thank you for a great video.
Excellent Frenchie! I thought, Glue 101…I have been paper crafting for 10-12 years. I love the tip with the heat gun and never thought to put my transfer tape in the big shot. I learn so much from you! Outstanding video!
Thank you so much for doing this video. What an excellent tutorial! You helped to explain some of the things in the catalog that I didn't know for sure. Great Job!
I'll be repeating much of what has already been said, but: I never thought of using a heat gun to release the stickiness of tape! I wouldn't want to be without the fabulous little adhesive remover (which I received as a gift and didn't use for some time). Crystal Effects is something else I keep readily available. I especially like it for eyes of birds, that sort of thing.
Great tutorial, France, as always!