Welcome to Stampin’101 
  If you are new to my blog and wondering what is Stampin’101 well if you look on top at the header of my blog you will see the tab for Stampin’101 and you will be able to find all my post for beginner stamper. If you scroll all the way at the bottom on that tab you will be at the begging cutting paper, about ink….perfect place for beginner and  many told me they been stamping for years and found great tip in this series video so I would say for all stage stamper you still can learn something new 🙂
Now for today is what I call watercolor without coloring. The best tool for this technique is the Stampin’ Spritzer those little bottle just put the right amount of mist. So you will see in the video 2 way to make it look like watercolor. One tip that I didn’t say in the video is to remember you can always spritz more water so start with less and judge from there in the video I pritz lots so you all can see the dripping. Always to see my video visit my blog at www.frenchiestamps.com 
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to view the video visit my blog at www.frenchiestamps.com

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hcm-kEYlP7Q]