Hello Stampers
Fun baby card for today video. In the video I will teach you how to make the pattern for this Onesie card. It is easy if you have the right punch, tools and the most important tool for this is a ruler. I listed all the supplies for this card at the bottom. This was one of the card that was in the class in the mail for the label of love. CLICK HERE to view my class in the mail This class is still available. If you e-mail me this past week and didn’t get a answer yesterday from me please send me another e-mail I think I got all my message phone and e-mail taking card of yesterday but maybe I miss some so as far as I know all e-mail and call been reply to. Don’t be afraid to resend if you didn’t get an answer.
IMPORTANT If you place an order an enter the Hostess Code make sure you do NOT check the NO Contact. I revived a few order with no contact and in this case I don’t have a clue who you are no contact info so I can NOT send you a gift and thank YOU card. So if you are one of them please e-mail me your contact info and order # to find your order # just log in your account and click on order history and you will see the order #. this offer for a free gift end May 15 plus if you did or will place an order of 30.00 or more by May 2nd to May 15 you will get a sample of the NEW incolor card stock 🙂 don’t miss out.
Product List
Here a hostess code 4HQ2UC6D if you place an online order of $30.00 or more before tax and shipping on my site CLICK HERE I will mail you a Gift with a Thank you card. This end May 15. YOU will get a sample of the NEW INCOLOR if your order is over 30.00 with your gift this offer end May 15th
Hostess Code
Do NOT enter code if your order is over 150.00 so YOU get the rewards 25.00 and can be more depending on your size order.
Thank YOU so much for your support.
If you need to check the retired list for what still available or sold out if you click below it will give you the latest update.
Here a few picture of the cruise and a few place we visit
Top picture you want see this often the Martin’s all dress up we are the t-shirt and blue jean kinda of family 🙂

Pyramid in Mayan Ruins Cozumel Mexico
the loots and some dinn’t made the picture I just notice lots of gifts
The lovely storm we arrive in and yesterday was a snow day no school more then a foot of snow
The BIGGEST ship Allure of the Seas it was undeliverable
Well I can say I try many thing on the ship Zip Line wall climbing
Dragon hold in Haiti top bottom Jamaica a little shopping at the port
To view the video visit my blog at www.frenchiestamps.com 5-13-14
Thank you again for all your support I appreciate all of YOU that support my business.
Have a great day
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeJ-XsN5aQU]

Absolutely adorable. And so simple to make. Thanks so much!
Must say, you and your men “clean up” very nicely! Glad you had a fabulous time on your cruise. You deserve it! Love the onsie and will have to try my hand at it. Thanks for sharing.