Hello Friends
How are you doing? The weekend is here already, I have to say that the retired life goes fast….I think time goes faster then ever….It’s been a month yesterday that I’m retired from school and full time with Stampin’Up! and I still can NOT see the surface of my desk but every day I say I’ll get to the bottom then the light bulb turn on with a great idea so I push everything a side and work on a project OH well I will get it done one day….it’s waiting on me so it will not go no where correct 🙂 Now about this Frame well that was one of those moment that the light got turn on HA Lynne one of my team member brought a frame to show me and I fell in love with it then I wanted to had some color and bling so this is the result SIMPLE but fun. Here are the supplies that I use
- Frame from WaltMart opening is 12 by 5
- Designer Paper Witches’ Brew #132185
- Silver Glimmer Paper #124005
- Markers i use Pear Pizzazz, Elegant Eggplant, Pumpkin Pie and Daffodil Delight
- Sharpies Marker Orange and Yellow.
For how to make the Candy C0rn and the fame watch the video on my blog at www.frenchiestamps.com this is a project you can do in about 10 minutes start to finish. Still have time before Halloween.
Now Mystery Host Winner Linda S from Sterling MI Congrats Linda you won 75.00 of Stampin’Up! product.This is to funny I try to reach her by phone and it was no answer so I send a e-mail and this is what she reply
Now I will announce another winner tomorrow 🙂 YES for real 🙂 how fun is this having many winner this month. To get enter in the drawing just place an online order CLICK HERE and I will enter the code for YOU and having your name in the drawing. Good Luck to you all and thank YOU for your support.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLpJKbyu8KQ?rel=0]
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I'm praying for Mick and his Doctor.
Prayers for your family and the doctor!
Beautiful work as always France!
I'll be praying for Mick to get healed as much as possible. The LORD works miraculously at the perfect time! Your prayers will be answered!
Cute project!
So sorry to hear you all are dealing with so much with the vision problems. I will keep y'all in my thoughts and prayers.
(((((HUGS))))) to you all!
Prayers headed your way for your son, family and your medical team.
Love the frame!
Praying for your son and the doctors.
On the day you posted your prayer request for Mick, I had trouble posting my comment, but am trying again today.
As soon as I read your post about Mick, I stopped to pray for all of you. May the Lord do abundantly above all that we can ask or think. Ephesians 3:20