Hello Again
    Yes with the beginning  of a new month come new stamp for the best of 25 I have listed all of them so if you click on the month you can see them all remember when you purchase 6 of the colection you get a FREE stamp of 14.95 of your choice. Make sure to save the stick of 25 that come on your sheet of sticker toput on your stamp. Plus they have a cut new photopolymer set for only 13.95 I have to say that is the true clear stamp and they work great and stick to your clear block super good. Plus you know all that DSP cards that I been showcasing and that Sunburst technique that I use the DSP well now is the time to stock up on your favorite pack….buy 3 and get one FREE so the 4th one is FREE no limits.
Any question always feel free to contact me plus don’t forget the mystery host info at the bottom your chance to win Stampin’Up! supplies of your choice 🙂
Download the monthly flyers

  Till July 7th I have a Mystery Host going one 

 The big question where do you enter the code when you are on the page of your shopping bag on the left bottom side you will see at the bottom where it say “Special Offer” the box that say “Do you have a hostess code”  Look like this 

Do you have a hostess code? Enter it here and click Apply: (?)

 that is where you will enter GCJKNZ42  in that box

let me know if you have any question and good luck to everyone that will participate. Any question please contact me.  To start SHOPPING click HERE 

What is a Mystery Host well all order that is place on my site with the hostess code are added together to count as a workshop/party and the winner get all the hostess benefits. Great way to get hostess goodies. You just have to enter the code and your name get enter in the drawing! 

I copy and past the page of an order for example on where to enter the code plus I highlighted in yellow so you can see good here but on your page it will NOT be in yellow. Always feel free to contact me if you have any question. 

Please note the the  share doesn’t count for the mystery host.   

tems in your Shopping Bag
regular itemsPRICEQTYTOTAL
Best Of Greetings Clear-Mount Stamp Set
Item: 133485
Do you have a hostess code? Enter it here and click Apply: (?)
Merchandise Subtotal (1 items): $14.95
Subtotal: $14.95


Thank YOU so much for your support!

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