Good Day my friends
Well today Nika is leaving for collage again and she will not be back till Christmas break but only 3 weeks and I know time will go by quick but still can wait to have her here again and next time she will be here for a month 🙂 It was nice having her here for my 5 days off.
Okay back to business….. today my little cute snowman I use a battery operated tea light, the now/flame I use a orange sharpie to color it but on the picture we can not really tell the nose is orange way cute. The punch that I use are: word window #119857, decorative label #120902, the Owl punch for the eyes. That is a simple snowman. Use a little piece of Marina Mist taffeta ribbon and the scarf I just use a piece of Marina Mist. Voila!
Don’t forget about the Online Extravaganza only 3 days left and I’m still looking to expand my team so you can join for only 99.00 and you get a family of 10 ink pads, YOU pick up to 125.00 (you can pick the item on sales in the extravaganza) of your choice of merchandise and it’s FREE shipping. That is what I call a great deal. Click HERE to Join
Well this wrap it up for today and tomorrow Masculine Monday 🙂 Have a great day!

Here 2 of my Favorite Christmas collection. My Nativity Scene and my Carolers. If you notice in the Nativity Scene we are missing the most important piece Baby Jesus. Well it’s a tradition that Baby Jesus just appear in the scene at midnight on Christmas Eve right after we get back from church we place Jesus in the manger then the celebration begin. The picture is no justice at all for my Nativity scene it’s big and beautiful and look so small in this picture. The Carolers are on top of the piano so the perfect place for them and all the old men look so hugely that they are handsome….. we didn’t put the tree yet the boy will put it up with me this week. Had to keep something for the boys even if Brett did the lights outside I needed to keep something for Mick. So more picture to come 🙂

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Cute snowman. Clever idea on using the punches. I'm going to make one also. What did you use for the cardstock for the hat & brim that you punched? My email address is: sunshine_honeybee2004@yahoo.com
My daughter leaves today to head back to college for 2 wks and next semester does not start till mid Jan.
Your snowman is so cute! I love the hat!! I CASEd your idea and made my own little snowman. If you would like, you can see it here…