Hello Friends
     Today share it’s a scrapbook pages using the Blue Ribbon Stamp set on page 33. I have scrap night at my house every 4th Wed. of each month. Well we took the summer off due to busy schedule but now that school is back in session scrap is in session to again 🙂 When I design these page it was the fair here in Cheyenne so it was perfect for this Blue Ribbon. The stamp set is very versatile you have the Birthday, #1, the Winner, Congrats grad so we can use this set for many occasion. The DSP on the side is from the pack World Spectacular. The back ground on the marina mist I use Clockworks. Color of card stock are Marina Mist, Cherry Cobbler and Daffodil Delight. If you are local and would like join us on scarp night please let me know ASAP class will be Sept. 26 at 6:30.
PS Don’t forget only one week to get your free ribbon with an order of 40.00

Here the update from Mick appointment yesterday. No change at all still to much fluid and blood in the back of eye to see more of the damage. The Dr. still say vision lost but not sure on the %. But you know what Dr. been wrong before so I’m very positive that it will get better with faith, prayers and TIME. Time is what I have to be patience whit….. Keep those prayers going for him. Thank you so much for your support and prayers. We must appreciate what you have cause we never know when it will be taken away from us.I realy appreciate all of YOU for your support.  Hugs to you all.

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