Quick post for today….lots on my plate for some reason…Oh the reason is that I will have company soon for graduation and the clock is ticking fast so lots to finish plus AGAIN car in the shop, Brett car not starting this morning and I manage to get stranded with the little spare Yellow car so on foot mobile well I was the lucky one that one of my friend/stamper let me have here car till we have one that is working. Yes mine just got a new transmission but when the change it they didn’t put something right so at the shop again so when it poor it poor big at the Martin. I hope by this weekend all 3set of wheel are up and running..
Today video was requested a long time ago to show how to make cards but to show the basic well I finaly bib it and Friday will be round 2 of the basic so it will be cutting the long way. Many ask on how I make the layers well I will make a video next month on basic layers. I use the stamp set Creative Elements perfect name for this basic card plus this card are only one piece of card stock so super easy but at the same time I love the way it turn out. Well enjoy and don’t forget about the blog candy going on if you are not sure what it’s all about make sure to check the post of Sunday and Monday. Plus FREE DSP Share till Thursday. All info on Monday post.
Have a great day.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDqZrsEHZR4?rel=0]