Now the masculine Monday with Under the star. Perfect card for memorial day Plus this weekend it’s the start of camping and S’more season for use and not to forget the mosquitoes so it all work great for this one. Please note that this stamp set Under the start will be gone Friday so last chance to get it. Off to enjoy the Family before I’m back to work tomorrow. I’m still Poop Out for graduation but soon I will have all my rest school is out Friday 🙂
 Enjoy your day and I will be rested soon and be back to normal. Â

FYI If you already get your new catalog and if it’s damage PLEASE e-mail me or call me so I can replace it. Many told me this weekend that their catalog arrived damage I will call Stampin’Up! and we’ll replace it. I will need your full name and address to verified the shipment. Thank you so much for your patient