Okay this is the thing…. stamping is just like fashion….. what was in style many years ago come back in style 🙂 I did this technique way back when I started stamping about 9 years ago and did it again last year at my Technique Geek Class and forgot about it till I saw a card that Kelly Acheson a friend from Founder Circle did. So I had something in mind and here it is…. I did a few sample and change a few thing how to make it easier that the power don’t stick all over so I use my embossing bobby. I will try to shoot a video next week and show you a few trick. The basic is you sponge about 3 different color on a piece of white or vanilla that is the one I use rub embossing buddy,  them stamp image with VeraMark, emboss with clear powder and use brayer or sponge and cover all  over with a dark color I use Early Espresso and then wipe with a paper towel (or your sleeve HA)
Till next time Happy Stamping!
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