Happy Days it is!!!!!
Oh! yes it’s a happy day today, this morning I’m off for a manicure and I bet you’re thinking about time….you see how my hand are chap and blahhhhh in my video well today is the day to take care of them 🙂 and then I will do the house work, then in my stamp room, tomorrow will be in the kitchen so I think I have it all plan 🙂
Now for today card many was asking how to make the card the Kathy B. did for the challenge lest week or so for the team challenge CLICK HERE to view. Well it was already mail so I look at the picture and this is what I came up with 🙂
Here what I use and dimension
- Card base is the regular size 5-1/2 vy 4-1/4
- layer start from back to front 4 by 4 Crumb Cake, Midnight Muss 3-3/4 by 3-3/4, Vanilla 3-1/2 by 3-1/2 and top layer is crumb cake 2-1/2 by 2-1.2
- DSP 4 piece of 1-1/4 by 1-1/4 (i use 2 different pattern so 2 of each) Top one I use the Print Poetry Pack #129312 bottom one I use Parker’s Pattern #131021
- Center one I use the Rose from the Flower trim 126869 and the other one I use the Designer Brads #129329
For the Video visit my blog at www.frenchiestamps.com
Well this is it for now I will get my hand in shape so I can come and stamp and add ink to it 🙂 I will post at the bottom about the Mystery Host going on right now and I will have it at every post till it’s over so don;t miss out your change to win big! Have a great Friday!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAZ4WJpkDn0&w=480&h=360]
MYSTERY Host It can be you getting all the benefits
All order online place on my web store HERE and enter this code FR9DFPEM will be enter for the Mystery Host, the winner will get all the hostess benefit of all the order combine. I will notified the winner on Feb.22 so all order need to be place by Feb. 21. When I contact the winner she or he will have till the 24 of Feb. to give me her or his wish list of the amount of the benefits, the amount will depend on all the order total minimum will be 25.00 ! and this will be send for FREE I will pay the shipping. Again if you enter the code you will be enter in the drawing for the mystery host. If your order is 150.00 and over DO NOT enter the code so you get your own rewards right away. Remember you still qualified to Frenchie Frequent rewards plus order of 50.00 and more you get Sale a Bration product. The big question where do you enter the code when you are on the page of your shopping bag on the left side you will see at the bottom where it say “Special Offer” the box that say “Do you have a hostess code” Look like this
Do you have a hostess code? Enter it here and click Apply: (?)
that is where you will enter FR9DFPEM in that box
let me know if you have any question and good luck to everyone that will participate. Any question please contact me.
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Beautiful cards!
Beautiful card! Thanks for the video, it was very helpful. Can't wait to try making one of these cards!
Beautiful card and really quite easy to make. TFS!
your great teacher ty i cant use the cuter tant u have use by hand i waiting tili win a cutter that run on power where u plug it n . but i can see a lot of what u do and i can just cut with my tools i have ,
so ty so very much . for showing us differ things to make for cards i mkae 4 to 5 cards a week just cheer up a few ppl . so i always look for something new to try to make cards for them all ty agan so much god blessyou and happy tgif
Love watching your videos but when you walk away from the camera it's very hard to understand what you're saying. I like your videos though. Just commenting on how hard it is to hear what you're saying when you walk away.
nice post