Hello Friends
WHOOOO HOOOO today is the last day of school/work for me till Jan.10 I’m looking forward to spend time with the family and in the new craft room too. If all goes as plan I should see my Canadian family next week. I will post but it will be short and sweet so I can enjoy the family, I’m sure everyone understand that family is important.
Are you you ready for Christmas? Well I’m not but I like it this way HA we always say after Christmas why did we get so much and eat so much so I didn’t back yet and plan on doing a little here and there in the backing but nothing like in the year pass. This will be good for me not to put to many pound but I’m sure my kids will ask for there favorites and I will make theirs but note over do it. How about YOU are you ready? If you are missing some little gift I got the perfect one for you today. QUICK and EASY plus it’s something we can give to anybody. Everyone need hand lotion or hand sanitizer. Here what you need it’s a piece of card stock 2 by 12 or you can uses a 12×12 and make 6 at the same time so time saver. Score your piece at1″, 2-1/4, 3-1/4, 4-1/2,7-3/4 and 9. Also you will need the 1″ square Punch #124094. the circle punch for the closing I use the 1″ and 3/4 inch and the scallop trim boarder punch. The snowflake is from the Holiday catalog on page 14 #127813
Voila this is it for this little hand sanitizer. Enjoy and have a great day.
PS always check my blog to view the video if you get this post by e-mail blog is at www.frenchiestamps.com
FYI on Mick update from yesterday Doctor visit in CO. he said he is amaze on the result on the healing in the back of is eye so Mick got the OKAY for activities again so the best Christmas gift for Mick. He said that with all the damage Mick had, he never saw a result like this one so I’m sure it’s was a healing from the Doctor above. (he still blind but great healing in the back)Thank you so much for all your support and prayers it did miracles! Merry Christmas to you all!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcnezrnaiOM?rel=0]

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Glad to hear Mick's report was good.
You & your family have a Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year.
Enjoy your family in Canada, EH!