Okay I promise you yesterday that my craft room will smell like a men and trust me you do not need any of them to have that smell HA … No really this is fun technique to do so get your card stock ready, white, glossy or shimmer,some re-inker, shaving cream (cheap one work best) and come have fun with me while watching the video.  The color of re-inker that I use for this one is Cajun Craze, More Mustard, Old Olive and Cherry Cobbler (only a little of the Cheery cobbler). You can use all kind of color I love fall color so this is what I choose for this one but blues are great for effect of water. Happy Friday you all till next time go explore the shaving cream in your craft project it’s a fun one!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XFKyFm1PFY]

Thank you so much to all who leave a comment or rate the post. Yesterday was super encouraging for me to keep on going with blogging every day:)  I appreciate it more then you know. Plus a super BIG Thank you for your business/ order, Yes that is what keep me in business. I appreciate all your support more then you can imagine. Have a great weekend!