OOOPS the video was set on private it is fix now you can watch it.
Love this crunch flower/carnation. I saw something similar on Kristy blog and I think it look just like a carnation… It it made just like the crunch flower that I posted last month or the month before the one with DSP but can’t remember when, you know the months are just flying by but here is one with White card stock and a video on how to make them. Enjoy!
Hi! Your video seems nice but I cannot read it. Have a nice day.
Pretty flowers! Now I am going to have to try the one you made with the XL flower punch as a backer. They are so much fun to make (and a great stress reliever too with all the smooshing!)
Your video is marked as private so I can't see it.
very nice flower. Thanks for sharring the video.
Happy stamping to you too! Thank you for the video.
Hi France, Love the video. How did you make the little holder you put the peppermint pattie in? I couldn't hear what you said there.
Love the flower Could you put the directions for the mint holder on your sight for those of us who need instructions for every thing we do “lol” I love your art work and thanks for always sharing.