How sweet can it be? LOTS this little jar full of chocolate is only one little sweet for today make sure to read all this post for lots of sweet deal. This little jar I use the Cannery Framelis to make it. Cut out 2 of the jar, 2 of the topper and I use the med oval punch for the opening then I cut a piece of card stock in this case I use Gray 4-1/2 by 1-1/2 score at 1/4 and 1-1/4 (on the 1-1/2 side) then score at 1-1/2 and 3 (on the 4-1/2 side) then glue your jar on this so you can slide your nugget. Okay I have 2 video today about the NEW Cutter and the New Ink pad on some great tips and trick…I’m sure it will be wort watching 🙂

Now How can YOU get a family of ink pad for FREE!

Plus YOU can pick the NEW cutter in you kit ….this deal is so sweet I just can believe it, I sure would get 175.00 supplies for 99.00 hope YOU take advantage of this great deal. Ask your love one to get YOU your Christmas present early…… So many great reason to get this super deal. Many ask what happen if they join and don’t do nothing after they get their kit, that is okay to you got a great deal and you keep your great deal. If you choose to stay active you need to have 300.00 in sale quarterly and the great news is if you join in November or December your quarter only start in January so you have now till March 31-2013 to meet you quarterly and if you don’t have the 300.00 in sales that is okay to you become my customer again 🙂 You have nothing to loos but lots to gain in Stampin’Up! product. Please feel free to contact me if you have any question.

Look at the new cutter it’s finally available. #126889 for 29.95 on page 180.
Now I will leave you with 2 great video on new product. Enjoy. This is lots of video this week:)
Top video is the tips and trick with new ink pad bottom video the new cutter 🙂 [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w90JZv041Qc?rel=0]
To view both video visit my blog at www.frenchiestamps.com
Thank you all for your support and hope to have many of you joining my team!
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