Swing card with Apothecary Framlits Stampin’Up

Hi Stamper,  Did I say I was off for the summer???? Well when I said I was off I was lying for sure I been working harder then ever! I'm trying to catch up on so many thing that I was putting a side for the last month or so and I can not even see the pile going ...

Pic Nick Basket with Petite Purse

Good Day my friends  Today project is way cool for this season. It's a little pic nick basket made with the petite purse die #125606. You will need to cut 2 of the purse and then some little trimming but easy. To view how I did the wicket look you can CLICK HERE ...

Masculine Monday with Zoo Review

 Whoooo hoooo it's Monday and I'm loving it!!!! No school so I'm off for the summer so I sure love the Mondays in the summer 🙂 Now my goal this week is to gather all my retired stuff/stamp for the BIG Stamp sale this weekend. Plus get it all ready in the garage ...

Stampin’Up! New In-Color 2012-13 with New Ink

 WOW can you see how crisp the image is with the new ink pad... I love it. It look like printed paper but it's stamp with the new ink pad. I LOVE those ink pad. I have the ink club going on if your interested I will have the info at the bottom of this post. This ...

Stampin’Up! Fancy Fan Folder

 HI Stamper,First a little FYI if you try to place an order yesterday and the server was slow or was losing you info please feel free to call me and I can place it here for you way faster on the demo side. I would be more then Happy to place your order.    I ...

Up Date for more free Stampin’Up! supplies

Hi Stamper   Here some update that Stampin'Up! Just announce  For the month of June and July host a work shop and get more free supplies. Details: During June and July, hostesses who hold a minimum $450 workshop will receive an additional $50 in hostess FREE ...

Acrylic Distress plus new stampin’Up! DSP, Ribbon Share

 Hi stamper   WOW i have a lot to share today about the new catalog share and this technique, If you are trying to place a web order please note that the web will only be live at NOON Mountain time. Plus a big special if you join my team. Info on this  will be ...

Good Bye Paisley Petals

 Alert Alert.... Today is the last day to get advantage of all the retiring stamp and accessories so don't if you still have a wish list for the list time is running out. Please note that all order are available till 11:50  mountain time and it have to be place by ...

Stampin’Up! Sneak Peek and color coach

 Hi Stampers  Well today my Canadian Family left so the house is way lonely 🙁 and only 3 days of school so I will catch up with all the new stuff soon and make many video soon. Today share is 2 cards that I did with new color and the main color was Midnight Muse ...

Stampin’Up! New Ink Pad

Good day stamper,   Well today video is not one that I did but Stampin'Up! did it to show the new stamping pad. Many ask me what is the different form the old one to the new one and you will see in the video all the difference between the two of them. I have to ...

Masculine Monday for Memorial Day!

Now the masculine Monday with Under the star. Perfect card for memorial day Plus this weekend it's the start of camping and S'more season for use and not to forget the mosquitoes so it all work great for this one. Please note that this stamp set Under the start ...

Graduation and Art Punch

 Okay I'm poop out for sure now. Quick post before I'm off to bed and to show off my little daughter and the family plus some cards for graduation. The top card Holly my good friend made this one with punch This one Lynne another good friend made this one and both ...


France Martin AKA Frenchie at frenchiestamps.com It's me Frenchie with a little accent. I love to share paper crafting. Want to know more about me. Click here to found out. Thank you for your visit.


Host Code & Customer Appreciation

Twelve Mix Occasions Cards Download for you.

Feb. 1-28, 2025. All orders of $30 or more before tax made through my online store using the hostess code D4CJ9QQ9 will receive the download by e-mail of twelve mixed occasion cards.
If your order exceeds $150 before the tax and shipping, DO NOT enter the hostess code.
With an order of $150 and above, you get stamping rewards. You will also receive customer appreciation and the Stampin' Rewards with an order of $150. Click Here to shop.


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Paper Pumpkin


"I am an affiliate with Stamp-n-Storage which means I may get commissions if you click on links I provide and decide to purchase from this company. I love their products for organizing my stamping products, and I bet you will also." To view and order online, click on the image.




The content in this blog is the sole responsibility of France Martin as an Independent Stampin’ Up!® Demonstrator.  The use of and content of classes, services or products offered is not endorsed by Stampin’ Up!®

Unless otherwise indicated, images © Stampin’ Up! 1995 – present.

I am an affiliate with Stamp-n-Storage which means I may get commissions if you click on links I provide and decide to purchase from this company. I love their products for organizing my stamping products and I bet you will also.” To view and order online click on the image above.