Happy Birthday to…..
That is right happy birthday to me and a gift for YOU. Starting today till next next Sunday November 11, 2018 you can qualified to to get a “Voila!” Phone Ring Stand-Card Holder and a Stylus Pen for FREE.
That phone ring stand is awesome to keep your phone stand up while watching my video :), to hold your phone on the car dash to use the navigation app and much more. View video below to see how cool this ring stand work.
How to qualified for Frenchie VOILA! phone ring and stylus pen
All order of $52.00 or more before tax and shipping with hostess code SFTVMQAD will receive the phone ring and the stylus pen. This promotion is from November 4th to the 11, 2018. CLICK HERE to place your order.
All gifts will be ship on November 18, 2018
Something to think about before your place your order.
That ring is awesome to hold your phone, use as a stand. *Phone NOT included.
The pocket is very handy to place your driver license and more.
Here the close up. The pocket is engrave with Voila! frenchiestamps.com and the stylus pen with my info.
Thank YOU so much for your support and to celebrate with me. I appreciate YOU!
Video to show how this ring work.
Happy Birthday Frenchi….
Have a very Happy Birthday, Frenchie! Have a great day & a great year!
Happy Birthday to you, Frenchie! Enjoy your special day!!
A very Happy Birthday to you. Many blessing for you in the coming year
Happy Birthday France, I hope you have a lovely day! ENJOY
Happy Birthday Frenchie! Sending wishes for happiness & many blessings in the coming year…you are the best ever!!!
Happy Birthday France! hope to see you at On Stage
Happy Birthday from Canada Frenchie.
A very Happy Birthday to you. Love watching your videos
Very Happy Birthday to one whom I love watching and learning from.
Happy Birthday and lots of blessings. Love all you share.
Have a very Happy Birthday, Frenchie! Have a great day & a great year!
Happy Birthday Frenchie. You share this special day with my Mom and a dear friend. From a fellow Scorpio ?
Happy Birthday. Hope you had a great one!
Happy Birthday Frenchie, you are the best card maker and your team is fantastic!!!! May you have many more wonderful Birthdays.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, France Martin! May you be blessed with many more.
Happy Birthday, France Martin! May you be blessed with many more and much success in the coming year.
Happy Birthday France! i enjoy your video’s and puppies so much. wishing you all the best for a happy successful year!
This is a belated birthday wish to you, France. May all the joys and blessings you give to all of us be returned to you tenfold on your special day.