created by Char S, Heart Happiness and Celebrate You Thinlits
created by Cenis D, Amazing You and Picture Perfect party Designer paper.
created by Barb C, Epic Celebrations
created by Elizabeth F Lovely Wishes
created by Jill V Party Pandas
created by Cheryl W, Hanging Garden
created by Margo P, Hedgehugs
created by Chris L Painted with Loved Designer paper and Truly Tailored
All in a row ready for being mail. Love doing this for the team and I am sure it is like Christmas when their package arrive. We always ready to welcome more teammates.
Lots of great inspiration that deserve a big hand of applause. Thank YOU all for participating.
Now don’t forget round 3 on March 3rd.
If you have any question to join our awesome team please always feel free to contact me.
Tomorrow is the last day to qualified for the FREE PDF of the 32 cards with box. Need all the detail CLICK HERE
Have a great weekend!
Customer Appreciation.
All order of $30.00 or more before tax and shipping place on my online store with Hostess Code GQTC6MPF will qualified for Frenchie’ Design team PDF
This month PDF include 4 cards plus a pouch. PDF include all measurement, instruction, supplies list.
If order is over $50 before tax and
shipping you will receive 2 PDF’s
Frenchie’s Team Design plus the Passport Pals that include instruction for 6 cards PLUS. Total of 10 cards and pouch.
All qualified order will receive the download by e-mail. CLICK HERE to shop with me.
If your order is over $150 DO NOT enter the hostess code and you will get all the stamping rewards and I will send you both PDF.
Sale a Bration Jan 3rd to March 31st Get a FREE product for every $50 order before tax and shipping choose from sale a bration catalog part 1 click here HERE part 2 click HERE
If in Canada CLICK HERE to Shop with Tina or HERE to visit her blog.