Quilted Builder Framelits, Feather Together, Painted Autumn Designer paper, Stampin'Up!
Hello Stampers 
  OH little piece by piece to make a quilt. Well after fussing on gluing the little piece I got a AHHHHH moment and I use the adhesive well that was another challenge to remove all the little backing then a great AHHHH moment BOOM I use the adhesive sheet 2-7/8 x 2-7/8 direct on my card stock and OH! my what a time saving. Don’t worry if you don’t understand what I am trying to say just watch the video for the AHHHH moment and big time saver for this quilt builder.

I have a video for you that you can find at the bottom of my blog post today on my blog HERE. ***If you are getting my post by e mail some server will NOT include the video so make sure to visit my blog to get all detail or you can always find my video on my You Tube Channel.

Also in the video I will show you how to use the trace wheel to make the little stitch. 

You can see the little faux stitch on this one. I use the wheel tracer that you can get at a fabric store. 

Quilted Builder Framelits, Feather Together, Painted Autumn Designer paper, Stampin'Up!

-Very Vanilla 8½ x 5½ or 11 x 4¼ fold in half for card base
-Designer paper for the cut out 3 x 3 
-Layer under the cut out 3¼ x 3¼ or 3-1/8 x 3-1/8 
-all depend how may layer you wish to have each layer increase the square by 1/4 inch or 1/8 for a smaller boarder. 
-if you choose to have a strip on the left hand strip 5¼ x 1  

I listed all supplies below. 

Quilted Builder Framelits, Feather Together, Painted Autumn Designer paper, Stampin'Up!

Quilted Builder Framelits, Feather Together, Painted Autumn Designer paper, Stampin'Up!

Quilted Builder Framelits, Feather Together, Painted Autumn Designer paper, Stampin'Up!

The little accent at the bottom of the quilt frame I use the Everyday punch. 

Easy Tips for the Quilted Builder Framelits, Feather Together, Painted Autumn Designer paper, Stampin'Up!


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6u-jEjZt5A?rel=0?ecver=1]

Well my friends that all she wrote for today. Happy Black Friday!

A Lantern for all Season, Frenchie's Team Appreciation, Stampin'Up!Customer Appreciation. All order of $30.00 or more before tax and shipping place on my online store with Hostess Code AXP3YVPG will qualified for the FREE PDF. 
 This month PDF include 3 cards, Lantern, Box.  PDF include all measurement, instruction, supplies list. If your order is over $150 DO NOT enter the hostess code and you will get all the stamping rewards and I will send you the PDF.      

 All qualified order will receive the download by e-mail.  CLICK HERE to shop with me.

Have a lovely day!