Hello stampers
   First I want to say a BIG thank YOU to all who join us yesterday for our live stamping. So much fun to interact live almost feel like I have people stamping with me. Sure is lovely to have Holly at the other end to help me with conversation and such and to YOU all for all the support. Well if you miss the live even yesterday you can qualified to get the recording the the PDF CLICK HERE for detail. 

Now for today share. It is another video that was just sitting in one of my files kinda of lost in my computer till Barb e-mail me and ask if she miss the video for the envelop for the card that I share a week or so ago. Well right away I uploaded to You Tube and now here it is for you all today. You can find the video at the bottom of this post ON MY BLOG or on my You Tube channel. This video as many great tip to make your own envelop plus tips on extra postage when it come to mailing your cards. I would say it is worth your time to watch. 
This is for a 5½ square envelop but the tips that I share would apply on any size envelop!
If you own the Stampin’Up! paper trimmer that is a great tool to see if your card will need extra postage or not I am NOT guarantee that it is 100% but so far for me it work each time. All in the video I share the trick. One thing you want to keep in mind for postage for cards is that if the envelop is square so same size vertical and horizontal that is square you will need extra postage that is a fact not my rules but the post office rules 🙂 so you can always put a square card in a bigger envelop so you will not need extra postage.   One more tip that I should a mention in the video but I didn’t is at all time you have any kind of bling or knots you should have another piece of card stock on top of the card front so this way it will be friendlier in the post office machine. 
Well my friends this is it for now till next time Happy Stampin’ 

I you miss the how to for this card CLICK HERE I have the video plus the printout for this card. 

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zetApAjaZEQ]

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