Hello Friends
Today it is part 2 of Frenchie’s team in the spotlight using the Fabulous Foil Acetate. If you miss part one CLICK HERE and next Saturday I will have the last part so part 3 will be next week. So many took the challenge and I LOVE IT the more the merrier.
Just a friendly reminder that we always welcome new team member to our team we would LOVE to have you on board well that is if you live in the USA want to have more scoop on how you can join CLICK HERE.
Sometime I feel like a broken record but I will say it again my job is the best when I work with my team I LOVE IT and love to share what I love to do.
So let see what they have for us today, remember each card you will see the Foil acetate one side is gold and one side is silver so in many case you will see both on the card all depend how they use it.

Created by Janet C you can see the 2 side in this window the front is Silver and when you open it is gold so just one piece gave you the 2 color.

Created by Holly P same here you see the front silver and inside gold. FYI I will have a video soon on the
con opening 🙂

Created by Jill V this one we see the silver. Note that the pack has 3 design so it come 6 sheet of 12 x 12 2 of each design

Created by Marcy this one she choose to place the foil acetate inside

Created by Angela another front silver and inside gold fun way to apply the flowers

Created by Sandee she use the gold on the front of the card
Created by Margo use the gold in the front of the card.
Well my friends what you think about all these beautiful creation don’t you agree they need a round of applause.
Thank YOU so much for your support and don’t forget tomorrow Sunday the 28 is the last day to qualified to get the free PDF for the posted note CLICK HERE for the detail. Till next time Happy Stampin’