Hello Friends
Testing something new for today so I will need your feedback. I did a easy print out for the project of today and I would like to know if this is something you would us or no, if many say they will not use it well I not wast my time to offer this type of file to print out. So you can test it today to view the print out click on the photo below or HERE and it will open a new window for you to print out then please leave a comment if you would use these print out or not. Please be honest either way yes or a no I just want your honest opinion so I know if I should or not do them 🙂 All who take the time to leave a comment will be enter in a drawing and the winner will get this lovely card in the mail. I will announce the winner Saturday July 9.
This card today is very simple the lovely designer paper the Serene Scenery make it so easy to have a WOW card with little work at it. Yes I love that paper and planing on a exclusive class with this lovely paper that I will release mid month. All the detail to make this card is in the print out.
Thank YOU so much for your time and Have a lovely day

Customer Appreciation. All order of $25.00 or more before tax and shipping place on my online store with Hostess Code XGAJGZMX qualified for the FREE PDF this month easy Backgroud Watercolor Wash. If your order is over $150 DO NOT enter the hostess code so you get all the stamping rewards and I will send you the PDF. All qualified order will receive the download by e-mail CLICK HERE to shop with me. Thank YOU for your support
Supplies list for today card.
Lovely card and instructions are a great idea
I think it is a great idea and really useful as I have an inspiration folder to look through for when I'm not quite sure what I want to make. Love the card. Dee x
Love the card and also the instructions this way! I think it is a great idea.
I definitely would use it.
I really love the card. So simple. but elegant.
Lovely card and I think the instruction list is a great idea 🙂
Cathy S.
Another great idea. I like the sheet. Thank you
I think the instruction sheets are a great idea. Thank you for sharing your ideas! Deb J.
Love the card and printout idea! Would add them to my inspiration binder♡
This is another lovely Frenchie card. These instructions are wonderful for more complicated cards. Sometimes you can figure cards out just by looking but often you can't.
Hi Frenchie, Yes I would use this printout. I see other bloggers have them too. I do hope it isn't too much work for you, but it is great, great, great for us. I too have a file and I usually print out the photo and write in some notes for myself. Have a great day!
I know it is a lot of work everyday so if you do them only for the PhD cards I'll still love you! You are always thinking of us – not only do you do great cards but you are a really sweet lady!
I love the print out! Great for all areas of stampers from beginners to advanced! I wish all demos did those sheets. Thanks for sharing this beautiful card and instruction sheet!
This is a great idea. Keep the ideas coming.
Great idea to have the print out feature, love it! Thanks for sharing
Hi Frenchie – I would use this printed tutorial as I too have a file that I keep on hand. However, please do not give up doing videos because I love them! They are so helpful and full of great instruction and ideas!
don't think I would use the print out but I do like the ideas you do and all the wonderful videos. you see I'm more of a visual learner so videos are great. thank you for always sharing your talents.
stamping sue
This is a fabulous idea! Thanks for considering this as a part of your already great leadership.
I love the idea of the printout! Also, I really like this card.
Yes, Yes, Yes….I would love to have the option to print off the instructions for your creations….I love your style.
Cute card. I think it is a great idea as already stated. You usually explain in your blog post how you do the card in some detail but this way is extra detailed and helpful. I agree with Carolyn when she said if a card is complicated this would help. I thought that she said it first.?
I especially always like when measurements are given which you always do.
Cute card. I think it is a great idea as already stated. You usually explain in your blog post how you do the card in some detail but this way is extra detailed and helpful. I agree with Carolyn when she said if a card is complicated this would help. I thought that she said it first.?
I especially always like when measurements are given which you always do.
Hello Frenchie,
I think it's a great idea to keep these in an idea folder. I can't tell you how many times I forget what blog iv'e seen something I like and don't remember who's it was on. I also like vidoes as I am also a visual learner.
Thanks for wanting to do this and have a great day.
Thank you for your work, Miss Frenchie. I, too, love the videos, but then to have a printout like this with a picture is even better. I love your idea. I hope other Stampin' Up! Demos will follow your lead and do this, also. Myra from Florida
Love your cards and would definitely use the print outs if they were available. So much better than just taking a screen shot as I do now to remember cards you make.
Thanks, Marty
Yes I would definitely use this. I could file them in my idea binder. Wonderful idea, France.
Great idea Frenchie! Yes, I would definitely use the print out. Thank you for sharing all your creative ideas.
I think it is a great idea. I also have a folder with ideas in it and I use it all the time. Thanks for sharing.
Linda D.
Wonderful card — it's really pretty! — and wonderful print out. In all honesty, though, the print out is not something I'd use on a regular basis. Your video & blog instructions are more than enough! Thanks for sharing all your great card ideas & projects! 🙂
I really like the picture and instructions for the card. I would definitely use it. Thank you for all the great stamped items that you make and show on your blog. keep up the good work!
I agree with another one that commented, for a more detailed card, it would be nice, but usually I can look at a card and figure it out. When I print these out, I usually end up throwing them out. So no, this is not something I would use. 🙂
Great idea; time consuming. I might occasionally print it out. Carol B
Hello France! Once again, beautiful card and great idea!! As one of your team members, I would sooo use this function.
Beautiful card! I really like having the instructions to print out. Thanks!
That background paper is stunning. Would definitely like the paper printout for simple cards like this.
Would definitely use the print outs. When I see beautiful cards like yours, I always think to myself, “oh I need to remember this one and then I might save it somewhere on my computer” Then when I want to refer back to it, I forget where I saved it. Thank you for all your wonderful inspiration.
Hi Frenchie,
Now that I use Pinterest to save any ideas and cards to CASE, I rarely print card ideas. You always provide details on your blog so that is enough for me. Thanks for asking and for making such fabulous cards and videos.
I love the easy print outs…use them all the time!!
I like this. Several other blogs I follow have been doing this. It makes it so easy to print out and save my favorite projects in a binder.
I love this idea, and would use it, so…Yes
Love this idea! This makes a wonderful way to instantly print and preserve your tutorials for future use.
Thanks for doing this! Makes creating the card so much easier. I have followed your blog for a long time and love the things you create. It would save me a lot of time. Hope you continue!
Hello France thank you so much for this awesome card and a new way to print the instructions. I have a file for your tutorials that I have bought before and will add this to my collections. Once again great idea. Have a good week. Rachel
Yes, I would use these print outs, I think they would be very useful to me! Thanks for all that you share, I look forward to reading your blog posts! Linda Patti. tpatti@windstream.net
Absolutely I would use such an instruction sheet. Now I pause your videos, type on an electronic notepad your instructions, move a little further, pause the video, type instructions up to that point…it is a real pain but I need something written as I usually can't retain all your directions and my craft space and computer space are a floor apart.
That is one thing I like about your PDF's…I can't always figure out your procedures from the picture and have the PDF for reference and I can work at my own pace.
I would use. I love the option of printing it immediately or downloading. Thanks for the instructions.
Please tell me this will not take the place of your GREAT videos. While this is a good, helpful idea I'm much better at following the video. Hope it's to go along with the videos. Thanks!
I love your videos, and I would definitely use the instruction sheet. Thank you for sharing your talents and stories with us!
Your instruction sheet is FABULOUS !! It will be great to keep in my files that are mostly just photos of ideas, but I have to figure everything out!! When all the instructions/supplies are there ~ WOW!! Makes it so easy to CASE.
Thank you for sharing all your many, many talents.
Yes, Frenchie I would definitely use printed instructions. They are very useful. I want to also say how much I appreciate your work. You're awesome!
Love, love this idea. I could make a file for just YOU
I LOVE this idea, Frenchie, and would totally use the print out! I find it so helpful to have the written instructions in front of me especially after watching a video with instructions. Helps me remember what I viewed on the video. Keep up all the wonderful inspiration! LOVE the card too!! Joanne H.
Thanks so much for the printout. I think this is a wonderful idea and would enjoy using them. I faithfully follow your blog each day and appreciate the time you spend on your projects.
Beautiful card. I really like the instruction sheet. This would be very helpful.
Hi Frances, I do like the idea of the sheet with all the info. This way, I have everything together in one place. I have seen this done before and they are a great idea! Thank you for that.
I always appreciate having written instructions with a picture–saves having to watch a video multiple times! 🙂
Great idea! I wouldn't always print them out but would save to a folder on my desktop then print as needed. These would be a great resource as the info is easily available and if a video is available it would be easier to find by knowing the exact name of the file. More work for you, but I can see value in it for all your demos and customers. Makes for Happy Stamping! 🙂
My thoughts are above UNLESS you would be replacing videos with written instructions then I would rather have the videos, it's like chatting with a friend and I would miss that!
I would absolutely LOVE this..many thanks
Yes, I definitely would use the picture of the card with instructions. It would go hand and hand with a video
I would make a note on the print out if a video was available. Then as I watched the video I could take notes on the print out. Love your creations!
Very nice format very clear and not too wordy just to the point. I would say thumbs up.
Thank you for always thinking of ways to provide us crafters with great how too information.
God Bless.
Another great idea from Frenchie! I too keep an inspiration binder, and these instruction sheets would be great, but I hope this doesn't mean you stop making the videos. I agree with Marg Cano….it's like chatting with a friend, and I'd miss that too.
I like the basic idea, but for some reason, I'm having a hard time following…use very vanilla, but when and where do you add the blue? Like some of the other ladies, I keep a a large file of ideas and I would add this to it. I think I'd rather see a video if given the choice. PS I noticed your address is Wyoming…I thought you were now living in East Texas. If Wyoming is cooler and less humid, I'd leave Texas a.s.a.p.!!
Love to have the print out! I am new and go over videos and instrutions many times! Thank you it's very helpful!
A lovely card, Frenchie. Thank you for the printable. It is an excellent idea for an inspiration file.
This is an AWESOME ideal. Love it! ???, Pat
Love the card and the instruction sheet is an awesome idea!!!!