Hello Friends
Do you have any type of grater that you don’t use? If so this is a great use for them. I got this idea from Janet W and the minute I saw that I new right away I wanted to make 2 of them before I move for 2 special friends that always willing to help me. The fun part of them is when I was in Texas to check the house out for a weekend we stop at a JUNK place and found them so a little of my new place I gave them before I left Cheyenne. The are very rusted so I just rinse them and spray them with clear acrylic spray paint to save the antique look and then decorated them with the Vintage Leave Bundle. I listed all supplies at the bottom. You could add picture on them and such so much fun to make a decor with stamp and antique or should I say salvage thing.
Well my friends this is my last post from Cheyenne WY the next post will be from the road then soon I will be blogging from my new place in Livingston Texas.
Till then happy stamping!

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Frenchie, I had an old box grater that I wasn't using so I spray painted it red and put Christmas bow etc on it and use is as a kitchen Christmas decoration. Love the fall one.
What a GRATE (great!) idea! I love it. I know what I'll be searching for a the 2nd hand stores now for sure!
Good luck with your move! Stay safe!
Frenchie, that grater is so pretty and such a cute play on words!! And the watercoloring for the leaves is very pretty.
What a gorgeous home decoration! Fabulous idea…totally thinking out of the box of this one! You hit a home run!