Hello Stampers 
  Well I’m back in Cheyenne just for one week. Just arrived yesterday at 4 pm and lets just say I didn’t skip one minute to go in my stamp room. Came in and got my camera out and one piece of paper and VOILA ! I got a stamp on the go video. I love this card. Barb one of my team member share a card similar to this and the minute I saw that card I told her soon I get home I’m making one well I sure did. You will see in the video how simple it is and how cool it is that the Sheltering Tree fit perfect in the opening of one of the leaf in the Leaflets Framelits. Only use one stamp set, 4 ink pad and the leflets framelits. The video can be view on my blog or My YouTube Channel. The top one I off set it and to be honest I like it better when you line up both the stamp and the leave like the second card. Plus this card is perfect after seeing so many lovely colorful trees on my trip to see mom….
Well my friends this is it for now I will be back tomorrow for the Stamper’s Dozen blog Hop so make sure to come and hop around for lots of fall cards. Till then Happy Stamping 

Here a picture Mom and I 
Just a few picture to show off the East Coast fall color so pretty, picture are no justice for use. 

Video at frenchiestamps.com
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jONvtaF6xqU]

October customer Appreciation Free PDF With all order of $25.00 before tax and shipping and the Hostess CodeMCTBHS6G you will get the PDF instruction send by e mail to make all 5 cards in the picture. If your order is 150 or above DO NOT enter the code so you get the rewards and I still send you the PDF. *not valid with class in the mail To shopCLICK HERE

For class in the mail detail CLICK HERE 

Thank YOU so stopping by