Hello Stampers
FYI If you place an order with the Hostess Code this past few days and didn’t get the PDF please let me know I was out camping for a few days and I think I respond to all last night when I got back but in case I miss some please let me know I’m back home where I have internet connection “:) Plus all who was missing the of the Designer Series Paper it finally arrive so it will be in the mail Monday
Many ask for the paper share and I said when all the paper is available I would offer it again well great new it is now so if you are interested CLICK HERE
Just a quick post for today to wish you all a Happy 4th and a safe one and to showcase some of my team awesome project for the fourth.
Top project the wreath was design by Stephanie B and she use the June paper Pumpkin of last year but you still can get them while supplies last CLICK HERE to shop **to get any paper pumpkin refiled or kit you need to be a paper pumpkin subscriber

Card made by Barb C

Today is Shadow birthday we didn’t think he would see is 12th birthday, 2 weeks ago we when camping for is last hooray he was not doing good at all with is bone cancer well the weirdest thing happen we woke up to a deaf dog and since that he been improving walk great just a little limping not bad….I think it is because when he sleep nothing wake him up so is bones get lots of rest so now time will tell but he still have good days many days he don’t even get is pain pill and before it was every 6 hours. So Happy Birthday to Shadow!
Talking about birthday I can’t forget my “Baby Bird” it was Mick my son 19th birthday last week I just can believe my baby is 19 already. We blink and they are all grown up. Lets just say summer time at the Martin’s it seam it is always a birthday cake on the counter next Saturday it is Brett my husband birthday then at the end of July is Nika our sweet daughter 21st b-day so you see they all have there b-day in the summer, so glad I’m late fall so we can have a reason to have cake later in the year HA!
Here picture of “Baby Bird”

did I say quick post on the top oooops I got off track Happy 4th and have a safe day!
July Free PDF Project instruction with a $25.00 or more on online order on my site HERE when you enter the hostess code XRMG9DWF( not valid with purchase of Class in the mail) if your order is over 150.00 DO NOT enter the code and I will still send you the PDF this way you will get the rewards. *this month pdf Ice Cream Sandwich projects
Need a list of all the Bundle at 15% off CLICK HERE for the list and you can print it to keep in your catalog
Happy Birthday to Mick and Shadow! You do not look old enough to have a 19 and 21 year old. They really do grow up so fast!
I'm so glad Shadow is doing better. It was actually a blessing when our Molly started to lose her hearing as she was always so scared of fireworks and thunder. Once that sense was dulled, she became so much calmer.
Happy Independence Day!
I really love the Pinwheel Wreath. How can I get in touch with Stephanie to ask her a few questions about making it.
Thank you,
Love the personal photos, Frenchie. OUr children grow up iin the twinkling of an eye.
What a dear dog…I can tell by his muzzle he is not a young sprout but for a large dog to have lived to that age means you have taken good care of him. Enjoy every moment we have with kids and pets. They are ours just to borrow.
Happy Birthday Shadow! I love seeing him enjoy his birthday treat! Happy birthday to Mick too, and yes, they grow up so fast! Enjoy your Fourth too Frances and family 🙂
Happy 4th of July! Happy Birthday Shadow. We put down our dog, Teddy, a Hound mix we adopted when he was a puppy, of 13 yrs last yr when he had cancer of the tongue. I adopted/rescued a 7yr old Lab/Retriever Mix last Aug and she is a joy.
“Sunshine HoneyBee”
When I posted my question this morning I was in a rush to get ready for a 4th of July parade and didn't even get through reading your whole post, I was focused on the cute wreath. Anyway, I wanted to say, first of all, Happy 4th of July! You have a lovely family and, yes, they do grow up so quickly. I hope the extended sleep Shadow is getting continues to help with his sore joints. Our family has quite a few birthdays in July as well, so lots of birthday cake for us, too.
Enjoy your day and enjoy your family.