Hello Stampers
Before I get started I want to say I’m so sorry for the frustration of yesterday web site being down or slow. The traffic was to heavy I think it couldn’t support it and if you miss the list yesterday for the retired stamp and supplies and many at discount CLICK HERE please note it is while supplies last and if you are having problem placing your order I will be home most of the day please call 307b 778 3662, I will escape to run at the post office other then that I will be available again I’m so sorry I was in the same frustration boat then you, lets hope today it a better day. Plus today Stampin’Up! is adding more on the clearance rack CLICK HERE to shop and view
Okay now about this week stamp on the go. I use 2 stamp set the Painted Petals and Sheltering Tree. Very simple and quick yes quick it is, I did 60 of them for thank YOU card so maybe you’re a lucky one that got one of them in the mail this month, this is the card for my thank you this month. Love the note card and for stamp on the go it is always my first choice. I share many picture on this post I did many color and even more then I share so really just pic any color and it will be perfect. To view the video visit my blog at www.frenchiestamps.com of on my You Tube Channel
Well my friends this is it for now and don’t forget the retired list is while supplies last so check your list twice. Thank YOU so much for your support have a blessed day!

What do you like better dirt or grass?
Video at www.frenchiestamps.com

***Save the date Live Stamping this Saturday April 25th at 10 AM mountain time more info will be announce tomorrow! This one will be different, you will be able to stamp with me if you get your supplies ready 🙂

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pSNYFfG1vg]