Happy Monday!
It is Monday so Masculine Monday it is but with a video this time. Last week I announce that my video days will be on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for a while I have so many video that are related with masculine card that this schedule will last longer then a few weeks like planed, I just did 3 more masculine card video this past week so I hope you are ready for many manly cards 🙂 To view today video visit my blog at www.frenchiestamps.com or my You Tube Channel. This card was inspired to my from a magazine “Stampin’ Success” a magazine that demo get when we’re a Stampin’Up! demo every other month. The funny part when I look at it I thought it was a card but after I was done with the video I realize it was a box OH! well I love the card. I’m terrible to read all detail when I see something that attract me right away I push aside what is on my desk and try to make my own and Voila! we have a Men Vest with the envelop punch board. You will see in the video I only done a sample on scrap paper and when right to the video well after it was done I realize it was a little to long for the envelop so I thought cut the collar a little well DON’T cut the collar but 1/2 inch at the bottom yes you will see it all in the video. I’m sorry but I sure don’t take time to edit (well I don’t know how) my video and make the project in advance so it is perfect for the camera I just go with the flow so I hope you like to learn at the same time that I learn 🙂 If I would wait for a perfect project or card in a video you would never see a video from me so lets learn together and have some fun with it. Like I tell my customer that attend my class “it’s home made” it should all look different or the joke is if it’s that bad send it to your in law HA ….We love to joke around when we mess up a card. Life is to short to stress over card it should be FUN well I know I’m having lots of fun and I hope you are to….
Okay enough of talking lets go make a Vest card I listed all the supplies at the bottom and the size of the envelope on the board it is the 4 by 5 so your vanilla card stock need to be 7½ x 7½.
Have a great day!

It fit in are A 2 envelope 🙂

***If you are NOT already on my News Letter e-mail list and would like to subscribe CLICK HERE this is not the same then my blog subscription e-mail, I only send e mail for last minutes special and flash news like tomorrow soon I get the retired list I will e mail it to all my news letter subscriber. FYI I don’t use this often like I said just for news flash.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMzPz-St_Yk]
***Save the date Live Stamping this Saturday April 25th at 10 AM mountain time more info will be announce Friday!

I always like to see what can be made by taking things out of the box to make it…If that makes any sense! What a great idea to make a man's vest & shirt card out of the envelope punch board! Yes, I learned something new too! Thanks Frenchie!
Perfect for Father's Day! Thank you Frenchie for such a creative card, you Rock!