Hello Stampers
Before I get started I have the winner of the live event to announce. I wanted to do this in yesterday post but it was the blog hop. The winners are ….. Door Screen Prize was Kathleen A, Lorene Y and Angela P
From order is Katleen A(yes she won twice), Pam N, and Crystal Y All the prize been ship yesterday so watch for the mail. They all won a Hostess set Thank You all who join me and support me I appreciate all of YOU!
Save the date Jan 10-15 at 10 AM and Jan 12-15 at 6:30 *both are the same presentation just different time and day to accommodate more of you 🙂

Today video on my blog HERE is the cute Shaker Gift tag/Ornament with the treat cup. It is easy but when you watch the video you will think it is challenging OH my goodness the day that I did this video nothing was working for me….it was one of those day that I should left the craft room and shut the door for the day so I warn YOU! at the end of the video the phone rang and I forgot to show how I added the baker twin for the hook well I just place the baker twin in the back then glue another window punch out in back and match with the front so I added that picture at the end

See here the back with the baker twin and extra window punch 🙂 This part is NOT in the video. I just have to learn to move the phone out and learn how to turn the wringer OFF. One of these day I will remember this step when I do video 🙂

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgs6vPTEZWw?rel=0]
So Cute! Thanks!