Hello Stamper
Did you notice the gift card enclosure on page 194,? I bet not many did till today. You can do so much with them and today I will share what Holly demo at Frenchie team meeting this past week You can CLICK HERE to visit Holly’s blog with all the dimension .Yes you they are design for gift card holder but creative people always find new way to use product and this is a winner for sure. I will demo another box for Note card at my live even next Saturday so make sure to save the date next Sat Dec.13-14 at 10 AM moutain time I will have a live even. I will have the log in link latter this week and Saturday morning post. Sure hope you can join use, last month was so much fun.
FYI don’t forget the year end sale lots of Christmas item, card kits, designer paper at great price but it is going fast CLICK HERE to view the clearance rack WHILE SUPPLIES LAST
well this is it for today I will be back tomorrow for Masculine Monday til then Have a wonderful day!

For Canada visit Tina’ blog CLICK HERE
For UK visit Jenny’ blog CLICK HERE
All class in the mail and detail to order CLICK HERE
this month new release is Postage Due