Hello stampers
Hope this find you well and ready to stamps. Today cards are simple. Last week for the passport pall I share the bottom one and today the top one the reason I show both today it’s to show the difference with color vase and not color. So for the one that are not a fan of color you don’t have to color the vase, just leave it plain and if you want to have the look of glass vase just use a black maker to make the stem longer so it look like glass see true so you need longer stem and to add more look of glass just apply a light coat of crystal effect. Not for the one that I color today I didn’t spend much time on the coloring just a little of blendabilites and voila!
Now this weekend it crank up the gear to high speed for me so I can be ready to leave for convention this Wednesday…..I have a bazillion thing that I want to have done before I go but so little time so I better get off the computer and get thing going 🙂 I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day you all!