Hello Y’All
I know I said this many time but I will say it again “Frenchie team is talented and fabulous” I love team sketch that we started way back but now it is on a regular schedule so much fun and more and more participate each time 🙂 Yes you can join my team at any time, anyone in the USA can join us. To join CLICK HERE for $99 you get to choose $125 of Stampin’Up! product of your choice plus it is FREE shipping great deal and as long that you stay active always a minimum of 20% of all your Stampin’Up! product . Nothing to loos so why not trying it. Any question please e mail me at frenchiestamps@hotmail.com I have many activities that I do with the team, that if you are local or long distance you can participate like the sketch, card swap, inchie (mail) facebook group so yes all US are welcome to join Frenchie team.
Now here is all the card of the sketch of last week. If you are not sure what is a sketch I have a video HERE that explain what is a sketch. You see the sketch on top of this post that is our guide to make our card then all color and stamp are up to us, we get the layout then we start the creation.

Made by Holly P

Made by Lisa F.

Made by Karen Mc

Made by Shelly K

Made by Stephanie S *Stephanie did our sketch this week

For a little token of appreciation on all order of $50.00 or more before tax and shipping on orders place on my site HERE using the hostess code 9EDXGD34 I will mail you a refund check for the coast of your shipping so on any order of $50 or more you will get free shipping, the check will be mail to you in a thank YOU card from me, in less then 4 days of your order is place. This little token of appreciation is valid till July 31st 2014. *** if your order 150.00 and above do NOT enter the code so you get the rewards and I still will send you a refund check for the shipping
In a month from today it’s the Christmas annual workshop, it’s time to register now. I’ located in Cheyenne WY about 2hr from Denver co. We start at 10 am so if you have a longer commute you stil can join us. I have people fro Nebraska, Colorado and this year again Arizona coming 🙂
***Many ask me if I will offer this by mail great news is I will offer the PDF detail with all measurement, all supplies list Check on Aug 1st for all detail

Mega Christmas Stamp Camp
You’re invited to the Mega Christmas Stamp Camp with Frenchie
When: August 23th 2014 from 10 AM till 3ish (note the later start to give chance for the ladies from Nebraska and Colorado to travel)
Where: In the Shed at 7008 Aztec Drive Cheyenne WY.
Fee: $25 per person and a side dish to share for lunch.
We’ll have a pot luck for lunch around noon so we won’t be rushed to finish before lunch. We’ll keep on stamping until we’re stamped-out or done.
You will be stamping ten Christmas/Fall cards. There will be door-prize drawings, stamping and more stamping. Space is limited and will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis! You are welcome to bring a friend, but all guests must be registered. All registration forms and checks must be received no later than August16, 2014. Please bring adhesive of your choice or I will provide glue stick (snail is much faster then glue stick). Clearly label all items you bring with your name. Detach bottom portion and mail to France Martin, your Stampin’Up! demonstrator
Registration Form for August 23th 2014, Mega Christmas stamp camp
Name:________________________________________ phone#______-____________
Additional guests:#
This form must be returned by August 16, 2014. Include payment of $25 for each participant. Please send to: France Martin 7008 Aztec Dr. Cheyenne, WY 82009
Remember you are not resisted until I have the payment and it’s first-come, first serve and space is limited so it’s time to take action now.