Hello Stamper
Con you say WOW on the coloring on these boot. I am so amaze with Stephenie coloring talent. Yes Stephanie did this card for one of our team sketch, she is one of my team member you can find her blog HERE. The stamp set she use is For our Country W#134219 C#134222. The more and more I look at this card I think the boots are cut out and pop up they are so dimensional but it is all in the coloring. The coloring is done with the blendabilities TOMORROW you will be able to purchase 6 color plus the skin tone color 🙂 I will have all the info tomorrow on my blog with a video on what exactly are the lovely blendabilite so make sure to come check my blog tomorrow for all info. If you are local in Cheyenne WY Stephanie will teach a class here at the house July 10thyu need to RSVP by tomorrow so I can get all the supplies on time. If interested please e-mail me at frenchiestamps.com I will send you all the info.
Today is the last day to get your entree in for the Blog candy and to place your order to get a free card kit pk of 4

The post of Saturday was late to be on due to me putting the wrong date but I think most of you saw that I was gone this weekend on a camping hiking trip with my daughter So if you e mail me and you didn’t a answer yet please re send it I try to answer all of them but maybe some got deleted by the bad connection. I’m back home safe.
Here a few picture of the camping/hiking weekend with my daughter The wind was terrible be we still had a great time.

Picking flowers to decorate our dinner table

Just having fun along the way

The hidden fall

My beautiful daughter

Our hike to fin the hidden fall. That was cool the fall was coming from no where in the big rocks

Beautiful gees family on the way

Little fishing

Yes she love to climb…. and it was plenty of bolder for her.

me with my BIG catch but I caught one.
This is just a few picture the scenery was beautiful and even with the wind we add a perfect weekend sun burn a little and a few ouch but all great memories.
Have a great week.
My favorite video is the chapstick holder! I made one.for my son's girlfriend, she loved it! Janice Hughes from Maine.
Looks like you & your daughter had a great weekend!
I watch ALL your videos and it is hard to choose ONE but one of my favorites is your pull out bookmark card (from April 8th).
Love them all…
It is so hard to pick one- I enjoyed the dress framelits- I also enjoy anything that makes a gift. keep up the good work!
I have many of your videos on my Pintrest account but I'll choose the Shutter Opening/Closing greeting card. I really enjoy all of your videos.
All of your videos are helpful! I'm thinking that anything with a special fold would qualify as my favorite. You challenge me to try harder things. Thanks!
paulapoindexter at gmail dot com
Very hard to pick a favorite because I have watched so many and actually made them too. I like the mosaic with the painters tape and white crayon. It's nice that the techniques often use items that we have on hand.
I also watch all of your videos…I like it when you say “voila” it's so cute…
My favorite video is the one that you did a few days ago with the red, white and blue stripe flag…
I thought that was so cool using that stamp set…
Well done Frenchie!
I love all of your videos because you show the mistakes and how to compensate for them. Many other bloggers simply edit them out. That's what makes you so like-able and entertaining. Thanks for sharing!
All the videos are very interesting and learn something every times. Right now the shutter opening card has been a lot of fun to do.
Mother/daughter time is priceless! Beautiful scenery. Thanks for sharing. You showed two bookmark cards and those are favorites…something a little extra for the recipient.