Hello Friends
Yes we are back with scrapbook class. today at 10 am at my house lovely pages. These page I case from Jill Hilliard. Perfect to save your memories of the Holidays. The big Star is from the single stamp Christmas Star #134813 stamp and cut out. Yes I sure did use lots of rhinestone on these page but that what it so WOW love them. Stamp set that I use is Seasonal Saying wood #131937 clear#128009 and lots of washi tape.
well my friends now I need to go pick up the table so we can scrap….I been super busy making some swap for Leadership that I will be leaving for this Wednesday. This year leadership is in Houston TX and super excited to attend this Stampin’Up! event this will be my first leadership. I never attended in the past due to work well now work is not in the way so excited……. I will share all with you and lots will be on my business facebook so if you use facebok if you wish to see all the new like me at https://www.facebook.com/StampingAndScrapbooking make sure you click on like then get notification to get all the update.
FYI The New Occasion catalog is live so yes you can order from this catalog. To view the catalog CLICK HERE plus I have the Designer Paper share and ribbon info at the bottom
till then Happy Stampin’

Designer Series Paper, Stack plus Watercolor Wonder Note card Share include
- Retro Fresh 6 pieces of 6×6
- Watercolor Wonder 6 pieces of 6×6
- High Tide 6 pieces of 6×6
- Kaleidoscope 6 pieces of 6×6
- Fancy Fold 3 of the gold and 3 of the Silver of 6×6
- Fresh Print 12 pieces of 4 ½ x 6 *include envelops
- Watercolor Note Card 5 of 5 design
That is a total of 30 pieces of 6×6, 12 pieces of 4 ½ x 6 and 5 note cards with envelops
All the above for $14.50 plus $5.50 for shipping priority.
Ribbon Share include
- Natural Chevron 2 yards
- Gold Sequin Trim 2 yards
- Grosgrain Pacific Point 2 yards
- Grosgrain Summer Starfruit 2 yards
Total of 8 yards for $8.50 plus the $5.50 priority shipping and if you get both share only $5.50 shipping so no limits on the share shipping will be a flat rate of 5.50 for all
Any question please e-mail me at frenchiestamps@hotmail.com
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This layout is awesome!!! great use of the washi tape… I want to “CASE” it!!! 🙂