I survived 🙂 What a great day yesterday at the last minute gift class. I had over a dozen of project to choose from and to be honest I was worry a little cause it was the first time I offer a class like this with so many project and the ladies could make all they want it was set like a buffet pay as you go but I did great on the estimate on how many to get ready for great day and I would say susses 🙂 and I think the ladies was very please with the project and how smooth it ran :0) So I’m planing another one next year for sure 🙂
This lovely box was one of the project. Perfect for gift wrap, cookie box….plus the tag can be use for a ornament I use the box on page 158 #130927 top is the Coaster Board #129392 with the Festive Flurry Framelites #132193 and yes the the Framelites work with the coaster board 🙂 Stamp set Santa’s List wood#131808 clear #131811 If you look closely the one with the Cherry Cobble I emboss with the Pretty Print Folder #132175 *to cover all the window sleeve you will have to emboss 1/2 then again for the other half. It will be very tight when embossing but it work perfect. The one with the Burlap I stamp the Snowflake with White StayOn #101731 * the White craft ink wouldn’t dry on plastic so the StazOn work great.
Well now time to catch some sleep and tomorrow I will have a video I still have a few more video with Christmas fun thing so I will have them all this week for your last minutes goodies . Video for the week Monday Wednesday and Friday and maybe one more day then be ready for some Flowers, Birthday and NO Christmas card I’m ready for something other then Christmas 🙂
Have a great day and You better be NICE he’s checking is list 🙂

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