Hello stamper
    Many ask me for another Marker Club. So here it’s and the detail. What is a marker club. This is where you can get all the makers and card stock in five month plan plus in one of those 5 months you will get the club benefits (hostess benefits)  25.00 of Stampin’Up! product of your choice. Each month you will receive one Color Family Markers and card stock and by the end of the 5 month you would have

  • 48 markers all Stampin’Up! colors including the 10 in-color 
  • 116 of 8-1/2 by 11 card stock 2 of each color *please note that you get 2 extra color in the card stock due to Whisper White and Vanilla are not available in makers but are in the card stock. 
  • The month that you get the club benefits that is the month that you get the case for your markers.
  • 25.00 of Stampin’Up! product of your choice ONCE in the 5 month. 

Now I bet you are wondering what is the price for 45.00 each month this will be ship right to your mail box. Now if you are interested please e-mail me and I will add your name on the list. I will start this soon I have 5 on the list. Which month will you get the club benefits well to make it fair I will add then in order I get your name so if you are the fist one you will get the first month and keep going with 2nd, 3rd…..
Any question please e-mail me at frenchiestamps@hotmail.com 
The benefit of this club is a way to get all the makers with the case and card stock on a budget plus you get the Club benefit of 25.00.    

Now I have to finish this post with a sneak peek of the video of Tuesday 🙂  This is the biggest Snowflake that I ever seen 🙂 16″ diameter So make sure to come visit me Tuesday for the Video on how to make them.
Have a great Sunday!

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