Now see these cute note pad holder. Using our clear stamp case. This can be ours. I wanted to start this tomorrow for Black Friday but why not starting today. So from now till Cyber Monday Dec. 2nd I will mail one to all who place an order on my site for 50.00 before tax and shipping (if your order is 100.00 you will get 2, 150.00 you get 3). Plus you will be enter in the Mystery Host a chance to win over $240.00 of Stampin’Up! product of your choice 🙂 Everyone that place an order on my site will be enter in the drawing and all who place an order of 50.00 and more before tax and shipping will receive in the mail a note pad with the case from ME. All order that are place between today and Monday on my site you will be enter in another Drawing to win a Pop & Place Gift Tag Bundle including the stamp set. I will give out 3 kits So lots and lots of reason to shop. The winners for the kits will be announce Tuesday on my blog.
Deal of the week CLICK HERE
Holiday sale CLICK HERE
FYI Mystery Host going strong the winner will get over $240.00 of Stampin’Up! product but we are still counting 🙂 This mystery host goes till Nov. 30th and I will announce the winner Dec 1st. To get enter you just need to place an online order with me CLICK HERE to place your order.
Thank YOU all and Have a Great thanksgiving
Gobble Till you Wobble! Eat lots and eat a plate for me….here at the Martin’s we’ll only be celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow due to my daughter working today but it’s all good we’ll be all together tomorrow.

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Im not into 'Scrapbooking' But this stuff looks 'Pretty Neat!'
Turkey is sooooooo cute! Directions, please? You are amazing and inspire me every day. I so look forward to your emails. THANK YOU so much and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Frenchie! ♥