Hello Friends
  Welcome to round 3 of Stampin 101. Last week I forgot this but I posted the video link of Friday so today I have last week #2 and today #3. Last week it’s about how to assemble your stamp set and the difference in all 3 kind of stamp we carry. Wood Mount, Clear Mount and the newest one Photopolymer. Now today it’s all about the ink here all the types of ink.

  • Classic ink come in 38 color plus the 10 incolor so total of 48 *this is a water base ink
  • Craft come only in White *Craft is a pigment ink perfect for embossing with powder 
  • StazOn come in White and Black *Very permanent Fast drying solvent ink 
  • VeraMark perfect for embossing plus it’s a watermark ink so give a tone darker of the color of the card stock

Now if I confuse very good don’t worry I will show you all the difference in the video. Again this it’s all about the basic and if you look at the cards this is super basic NO layer nothing but paper and ink. You will find the first video by CLICKING HERE the first one is how to cut the paper. So next week on Wednesday then we’ll take it a little step deeper by adding layers. Now scroll down for the Deal of the Week plus a new Photopolymer that was release yesterday.
Thank YOU so much and have a great day. 


 New Photopolymer Endless Wishes #133455 Click on photo for more detail

Deal of the week click on photo for more detail and order. 
Now about the Mystery Host all month of October when You place an online order your name will be enter in the drawing for free Stampin’Up! Product. Did you check the new way to place online order yesterday. It’s so much easier plus when you add items in your bag it will save it for later purchase. This is a big improvement THANK YOU Stampin’Up! for the improvement. You can CLICK HERE to check it out. 
Any question please feel free to contact me. Till next time Happy Stampin’ 
For some reason it will not let me adding 2 video so if you miss last week about the assemble your stamp and the difference in stamp set CLICK HERE 
#3 Stampin’ 101 all about ink for all video visit my blog at www.frenchiestamps.com

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SU5aHYFwtA?rel=0]
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