Hello Friends
   Quick share with the Circle Frame Thinlits today. To make flip card or some call it swing card this is perfect so much fun and quick to make one. Here what I use for this one.

  • Circle Card Thinlits #133480
  • Magnetic Platform #130658 YES that are available ready to be ship 🙂 no more back order 🙂
  • All the accent “Hi” XOXO” it is part of the Thinlits to view all in the kit click with the thinlits CLICK HERE. 
  • Cherry Cobbler ribbon #132135 (I love that ribbon)
  • Candy Dots #130933
  • Color of card stock: Pink Pirouette, Cherry Cobbler and Black
  • Embossing folder #116824 

Now if you are wondering how the Thinlits work I did a video a few weeks ago CLICK HERE to view.

Now the Mystery Host is Rocking for sure it’s  over 20.00 the get enter in the drawing just place your online HERE and the code is KQ7PPUMG end on Sept 22nd. Good luck to everyone that participate. This will be a great shopping spree for sure plus 4 item at 50% off for the winner on top of the X amount that it will be over the 200.00
 Now many call and e-mail me to see if I was okay with all the flooding around us. In Cheyenne we are wet but NO FLOODING just about 40 minutes from us the road are close/wash away and little more south about 1-1/2 hr that is where all the damage and flooding. To all my neighbor in Colorado prayer for your all and big Hugs and sure hope the rain will stop for you all. Here in Cheyenne we been praying for so long to get the rain it was so dry but now everyone is praying for the sun. I never in 10 year that I been in Cheyenne saw so much rain. It remind me of back home but for this place it’s not normal… the few trees we have, they are dancing for sure with all this water on the ground, it’s to bad it damage so many live, house…….. Best of Luck and prayer to you all my friends in Colorado.To view many picture of the situation in CO CLICK HERE. 
Have a great weekend you all and a side note only one more day of work Monday then I will be dancing with my stamps 🙂 I can’t wait plus I will be attending Founder Circle retreat Wed to Sun what a perfect way to start my new adventure 🙂 Thank YOU all for your support Have a great one!

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