Good day my friends………
Today it’s all about Candy Dots on page 171 and they come in all 4 family. All I share today was my by Holly one of my team member. Each month I ask for volunteer to demo something at the team meeting and this month Holly volunteer or did I told her here a pk of candy dot can you do a demo for next meeting 🙂 Love all the variation she show the sweet candy dots. Next month will be the Clay so be on the lookout Steph I would say she is a pro with that stuff so I will have lots to show you but today lets focuse on candy dots.
Top card she use the candy dots with the brad base #132293 so this way you can add lots of colors in the center of a brad.

Super nice to use on scrapbook page…. it’s flat so will not damage the next page. 🙂

Again on scrapbook page but this time for the eyes of this super cute warm I sure do love the look of him.

Center of Clay flower this card is no justice on the picture…. so beautiful.

In the center of button perfect to add extra color.

Now Sweet Candy with candy dots in the center of the stamp flowers.
Well this is it for now….don;t forget only 2 more days for mystery host for this round
Have a great day!

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